Database Cleaning Services - What, Why and How Your Company Can Benefit?
* Remove duplicate records
* In order to ensure your data is consistently formatted
* The data is clearly wrong for the wrong neighborhood known as a postcode
* Other records the same (more on this later) is probably
So the "why" would want to do this?
To explain why, I'm the example of a customer database to use, but the principles are also applicable to other types of data.
Have you ever mail twice or more a marketing message / list? I regularly receive multiple copies of this notice, and I'm not always around to the sender to tell debt. It can:
* Carelessness be interpreted as part of the organization
* His / undo efforts towards personalization - personalize any effort on the part of the organization "and" target "message is meaningless, because the recipient knows immediately with a database of information that a mindless distribution.
* Waste $ $ $! Each time a person or two to send a communication to the house, you'll probably only a part of your hard-earned money wasted.
In addition, cleaning of your data, you can analyze your data more accurately will help.
It is not a crime! In fact, it is much easier for you to retrieve data to a state that needs to be cleaned. For example, when a customer changes their address, their employees to work for the city, but forgot to new postcode zetten.en without a customer returns again as the same or similar description.
never do.
The "how" you efficiently clean your database?
Fixing incorrect information such as the location Milan, postcode usually in another table by comparing the values for each document postcode.
Change the format of the data, usually in combination with some very simple logic programming using SQL likely. You can sign up for your data format, for example, want, or you want suburb in title case or all capitals should decide.
Then one day the Employee details, supplier lists, customer information, inventory and suppliers give rise to an enormous amount of information, such details.Data-cleaning service providers alleviate this time consuming task. There are many costs and benefits of enlisting the services of data cleaning.
Cleaning services for the business data wring huge kostenvoordelen.Deze new data, in turn, leads to new paths and can throw.
Finding duplicate the SQL database language for someone who knows a bit about a fairly easy task. It is difficult to comparable results actually the same person, but not really in our database in the same way. For example, the following two records have the same person:
What usually "fuzzy" matching up calls, as required for finding such documents. Software is available for such documents to be found, and more experienced SQL programmers to write software that can find duplicate therefore possible.
mark duplicate records.
valid throughout such records are transferred to the customer payment history. However, it is possible to de-duplication process to install and automatically removes all duplicates clean all records.