2 Tricks to Writing Better Article Titles and Headlines
But let's also be honest and recognize that many of us were not born good looking, funny and fantastic copywriters to boot! Improving the power of your persuasive pull is actually FAR easier than you probably realize, and I'm going to share 2 simple secrets that I promise will PROVE it to you if you try and apply them consistently.
Read on.
Specificity Sells This is a very simple truism that EVERY copywriter worth his or her salt realizes straight out of the gate.
When you can quantify something in very tangible and demonstrable terms, people are much more likely to pay close attention.
(even when they don't realize the reason they are) For this reason, I ALWAYS recommend using numbers as a way to illustrate specificity.
If you are making a list of ways, reasons, or tips, ALWAYS add a number before it.
Can you improve my business or help me lose weight? Give me a number I should expect, or a percentage of improvement you've achieved for others.
Very effective.
"What They Don't Want You To Know" Again, illuminating what forces out there are conspiring to keep secret from you is a VERY powerful technique to get more readers to check out your copy.
It's unfortunate, but a hard wired part of our brain physiology to fear that we are being kept down by the "man".
(or woman) It's the blame game personified, the slumbering truth that when awakened, is going to change our lives, INSTANTLY for the better..
for NO other reason than having been opened up to the ineffable secrets of the master class.
(and that can simply be ANYONE who has succeeded in a particular niche, endeavor or industry) I could tell you many stories about JUST how effective this can be, but I won't.
Instead, I encourage you to try it in your OWN marketing machinations and watch the real time improvements roll in.