Fruit Glycemic Index For Diabetics
Fruits are rich in vitamins and nutrients that's why people eat them. They aid people who are sick and are helpful to those who prefer healthy living. But people who are diabetic are prohibited to eat some fruits because they have higher values in the fruit glycemic index chart. For people who are suffering from diabetes and also for those who want a healthy way of life, this chart is highly suggested for them. A chart like this will regulate your blood sugar level in a practical and convenient way.
In the early part of 1980s, the glycemic index was first presented to aid people with diabetes. The common fruits which are eaten daily are shown in the fruit glycemic index charts with their GI values being determined out of every 50g serving. It is of great help not only to diabetic patients, but also to those people who want to maintain their weight. This chart also give patients daily options on which fruits they can safely eat daily.
Balanced meal and keeping yourself healthy are some ways to manage diabetes. Among the fruits, cherries have the lowest GI value listed in the fruit glycemic index chart with a value of 22. Apples come in second with an average GI value of 38, either red or green.
The way apricots are produced determine their GI values. Dried apricots have the lowest value among apricots in the fruit glycemic index chart with a GI value of 31. Freshly picked apricots have a value of 57. Apricots as canned fruits have a GI value of 64 per 50g serving.
Eating fruits is safe to us due to the fact that they help us remain fit. Yet to those who have diabetes must control eating various fruits including dates. The fruits with the highest value (103) in the fruit glycemic index chart are dates which are usually produced in Arab state. Your consumption of bananas must also be monitored because not all of the bananas have the low or medium GI values. Not eating these types of fruits is one the best ways to keep your blood sugar levels regulated.
In this chart, fruit juices are also included. Juices like unsweetened pineapple juice and tomato juice have low to high GI values as indicated in the chart so there are no restrictions on how much you can drink. Artificial sweeteners are specially prepared for diabetic patients if they want to have something sweet without worrying about their health. If you crave for something sweet and delicious, always check that you have not exceeded your required daily dietary.
In the early part of 1980s, the glycemic index was first presented to aid people with diabetes. The common fruits which are eaten daily are shown in the fruit glycemic index charts with their GI values being determined out of every 50g serving. It is of great help not only to diabetic patients, but also to those people who want to maintain their weight. This chart also give patients daily options on which fruits they can safely eat daily.
Balanced meal and keeping yourself healthy are some ways to manage diabetes. Among the fruits, cherries have the lowest GI value listed in the fruit glycemic index chart with a value of 22. Apples come in second with an average GI value of 38, either red or green.
The way apricots are produced determine their GI values. Dried apricots have the lowest value among apricots in the fruit glycemic index chart with a GI value of 31. Freshly picked apricots have a value of 57. Apricots as canned fruits have a GI value of 64 per 50g serving.
Eating fruits is safe to us due to the fact that they help us remain fit. Yet to those who have diabetes must control eating various fruits including dates. The fruits with the highest value (103) in the fruit glycemic index chart are dates which are usually produced in Arab state. Your consumption of bananas must also be monitored because not all of the bananas have the low or medium GI values. Not eating these types of fruits is one the best ways to keep your blood sugar levels regulated.
In this chart, fruit juices are also included. Juices like unsweetened pineapple juice and tomato juice have low to high GI values as indicated in the chart so there are no restrictions on how much you can drink. Artificial sweeteners are specially prepared for diabetic patients if they want to have something sweet without worrying about their health. If you crave for something sweet and delicious, always check that you have not exceeded your required daily dietary.