Getting Even With Your Ex
Remember that no ex is worth doing time for - this goes for both girls and boys.
There are a few things that you can do if you're thinking about getting even with your ex that are pretty borderline and so you will need to be extra careful with those.
If you do decide to do something nasty to your ex, this will result in the fact that you will never get back together.
Before you do anything think hard if this is really what you want.
Don't forget that by no means should do anything illegal - yes, getting a girl or a guy with STD to have sex with your ex is not an option.
While you spend some of the best years of your life in jail guess what, your ex will find someone else and forget about you and you will be stuck in a prison cell thinking "Why was I so stupid?" So instead of that happening, think before you do anything and don't rely on the thought that you will not get caught.
The best way of getting even with your ex is to show them how happy you are and how you have forgotten about them.
This should serve you as a motivation to get your life back.
Try and get the perfect job, a nicer car, and because you probably need to do something with that anger, put it into something constructive, rather than destructive.
A good thing that you can do with your anger and extra energy is to start a martial arts class for example, sign up for a shooting class (don't get any ideas, you shouldn't shoot your ex), or something exciting that you haven't tried before.
This way you can meet new people and make your ex really feel bad because you have moved on.
This hurts the most, because your ex will begin to feel used and just dismissed and maybe even try to get you back.
A very important thing to do when you are getting even with your ex is to always have a genuine smile on your face.
If it is necessary go and practice in front of the mirror, but you have to make it look real.
You can also start hanging out with your ex's friends.
At first just say hi and then ask them something usual (it may be about the music they like, or just think of something).
Don't be too obvious or they will figure out that you are just getting even with your ex.
If you manage to become real friends with them that will make your ex absolutely mad.
You can invite them over on Saturdays, or go to clubs with them on Fridays.
Get together with them whenever they are suppose to go some place with your ex.
There is nothing worse than losing your friends to your ex.