How to Use Cloves to Aid Natural Candida Cure
Although mainly used as spice, cloves can also be used to treat yeast infection of the mouth and intestine; it can also be used to treat ailments like indigestion, diarrhoea, hernia, and ringworm fungal infections of the skin.
Cloves are obtained from the evergreen clove tree which originated from Indonesia from where it spread to all over the world. Also, scientific studies have demonstrated the strong anti-fungal properties of clove and they are often used to treat athlete's foot and other superficial yeast infections.
Cloves contain a lot of ingredients that have anti-fungal properties; these ingredients include the following: eugenol, acetyl eugenol , and caryophyllene. Eugenol is however the most active and most potent anti-fungal ingredient.
How can you use cloves?
-The oil form of clove extract is the most effective form of clove. You can add 15-30 drops of clove oil to warm water and take the resultant tea 1-3 times in a day. Make sure you add lots of water to properly dilute it as the clove extract is usually highly concentrated.
-You can mix clove oil with other essential oils like bail essential oil, rosemary oil, cinnamon oil and grape fruit essential oil; blending clove oil with these other oils makes it more palatable.
-Avoid using this clove oil if you are a pregnant or breastfeeding woman. Also, if you are seriously ill with a gastrointestinal illness, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist before you use this oil.
-If you experience allergic reactions when you make use of this clove oil, you should use only a small dose of the oil.
-You should not take this oil in large quantities; if you take it in high over concentrated quantities, you might experience the following side effects: sore throat, vomiting, convulsions, drowsiness, breathing difficulties, kidney failure, liver failure, erectile dysfunction and gastrointestinal irritation.
If you experience any of these side effects you should immediately dilute the oil with more water and you should reduce the dose that you are consuming.
-You must use this oil in combination with other essential holistic Candida cures to get rid of your infections thoroughly.
Cloves are obtained from the evergreen clove tree which originated from Indonesia from where it spread to all over the world. Also, scientific studies have demonstrated the strong anti-fungal properties of clove and they are often used to treat athlete's foot and other superficial yeast infections.
Cloves contain a lot of ingredients that have anti-fungal properties; these ingredients include the following: eugenol, acetyl eugenol , and caryophyllene. Eugenol is however the most active and most potent anti-fungal ingredient.
How can you use cloves?
-The oil form of clove extract is the most effective form of clove. You can add 15-30 drops of clove oil to warm water and take the resultant tea 1-3 times in a day. Make sure you add lots of water to properly dilute it as the clove extract is usually highly concentrated.
-You can mix clove oil with other essential oils like bail essential oil, rosemary oil, cinnamon oil and grape fruit essential oil; blending clove oil with these other oils makes it more palatable.
-Avoid using this clove oil if you are a pregnant or breastfeeding woman. Also, if you are seriously ill with a gastrointestinal illness, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist before you use this oil.
-If you experience allergic reactions when you make use of this clove oil, you should use only a small dose of the oil.
-You should not take this oil in large quantities; if you take it in high over concentrated quantities, you might experience the following side effects: sore throat, vomiting, convulsions, drowsiness, breathing difficulties, kidney failure, liver failure, erectile dysfunction and gastrointestinal irritation.
If you experience any of these side effects you should immediately dilute the oil with more water and you should reduce the dose that you are consuming.
-You must use this oil in combination with other essential holistic Candida cures to get rid of your infections thoroughly.