What Are Penis Extenders and Can They Really Make My Penis Bigger?
The problem is trying to figure out which ones actually work and the ones that don't.
One of the more intimidating methods is the use of a penis extenders or traction device.
So let's look more into these and find out what they do and if they really increase your size.
Penis extenders, also known as traction devices, are products that you wear on your penis.
A lot of them are pretty discrete so you can even where them outside of your home.
They are basically made up of 4 different components.
The first is a base ring that fits on the base of your penis.
Then there are 2 adjustable metal bars and at the top of these is a smaller ring that goes around the head of your penis.
Once you have the device on, you extend the bars until you have a good, snug pulling sensation that extends your penis to its full length.
This gives a continual longitudinal pulling force on your penis.
Of course you do not want it pulling so strong that it hurts you but just enough to feel it pulling your penis.
So how in the world does this work to increase your length and girth? Since there is a consistent pulling, it stretches the tissue in your penis, slightly damaging this tissue.
Now, I know this doesn't sound very nice but you are not destroying the tissue and as long as you are following the instructions that comes with the device, you will not have any short or long term complications.
Once this tissue is slightly damaged, when it repairs itself, it adds more tissue in the healing process.
Now that there is more tissue in your penis, there is more room for blood to fill up and when it does, your penis will be bigger.
Of course, for noticeable gains, you need to use the extender for a few months.
You do not want to try to make things happen faster here becomes you are dealing with live tissue and need to give it time to repair.
So be patient, follow the directions, and very soon you will see that penis extenders are actually a really great way to increase your penis length and girth without having to take pills or have surgery.