How to Attach an Acoustic Guitar Strap Pin
- 1). Pick where you'd like the strap buttons to be placed. For acoustics, the two most common places are placing one strap pin on the underside of the heel of the neck and the other at the tail end of the body. Decide where you want your pins to be installed (unnecessary if your simply replacing the pins and have existing pin holes).
- 2). Mark each spot to be drilled with the awl for accuracy before drilling. Rub a slight amount of lubricating wax onto the ends of each of the two screws used to mount the pins. This reduces the amount of friction needed to mount the pins, thus reduces the chances of accidentally chipping the wood finish on the guitar.
- 3). Drill the first hole where you marked with the awl. Thread the waxed screw through the center of the strap pin, then thread a washer onto the opposite end of the screw (underneath the strap pin). Place the screw point over the drilled hole, and screw the pin into place until the washer is flush with the guitar's body.
- 4). Repeat the process for the remaining strap pin screw. Countersink each screw, or press down enough so that the screw creates s light depression into the wood surface. This helps reduce the accidental cracking to the wood once wearing the guitar strapped on.