How To Build a Gazebo With Plans
A typical gazebo is roofed and is open on all sides to create shade in the hot sun but provide an open air breeze for rest and relaxation.
The most common places you will see a gazebos are in a park, backyard, or in a spacious field.
What material is used to make a gazebo? Of course the amount of materials will vary depending on the size of gazebo you choose to build so be sure to decide the size before purchasing materials.
Materials needed for building an 8 ft.
diameter gazebo include: 1 bag of cement, 1 cubic yard of gravel sand mix, 4 templates, 8 fillets, and 8 posts for the footing of the gazebo.
For the framing you will need: 1 hub, 8 head beams, 8 rafters, and 16 beam & post braces.
To make the handrails you will need 14 lumber rails and a 130 ft.
vertical board.
Roofing materials should consist of 221 ft.
of lumber.
Additional hardware you may need: metal straps, angle clips, screws, and nails and of course the necessary equipment such as a nail gun, saw, etc.
What type of lumber do you use? Pressured treated lumber is the most preferred for building outdoors.
This type of lumber offers a classic look while preventing against decay, termites, and other elements.
It would also be smart to ask about water repellent pressure treated lumber.
Where do you obtain gazebo plans? The benefit of living in this day and age is that the Internet is at your fingertips.
Typing in "gazebo building plans" in any search engine will offer you a multitude of options.
If you would rather not use a computer, you might want to visit your local building and supply store for more help.
What designs are available? The beauty of building your own gazebo is that you can put a personal touch on your final product.
The standard gazebo is shaped like an octagon however, a quick online search will provide many designs.
Building a gazebo vs.
buying a gazebo kit A gazebo kit offers the chance to use pre-cut or panelized wood and step-by-step directions with photos to assemble your gazebo.
While a gazebo kit is easier to assemble, you are limited to the types of wood and designs that the kits include.
For someone with limited carpentry skills, a gazebo kit is recommended.
Do you need a building permit to build a gazebo? Be sure and check with your local building permit office but usually structures less than 100 sq.
do not require permits.