Are You Ready To Stop Smoking Today?
Are you ready to improve your health and quit smoking? Become a non-smoker.
Once you quit you start to become a healthier you.
Besides that fact, you no longer have to deal with the stress related to going out and finding someplace that is not smoke-free.
I understand this subject because I am an ex smoker.
I, also, believe that you will find that ex smokers are not very tolerant to smoke.
This you will notice when you are no longer a smoker! Years ago I was a smoker.
I had quit for many years, and then unfortunately, I started to smoke again.
I did manage to quit again and stick with it.
I think I've been smoke-free for at least 13 years now, maybe even more.
I feel that I used a great tactic to quit.
First, I must tell you that I know the first thing that most people worry about is gaining weight.
Statistically, from everything that I have read, you could truly only gain 4 lbs that could eventually be lost.
One big question is, why is it that we continue to smoke even when we are aware of lung cancer and all of the ill effects that it has on us.
Besides how second hand smoke can affect the people around us? What you are probably unaware of is all the benefits associated with becoming smoke-free.
From all the information I've read over the years, here are just a few benefits that I found: After about 3 days breathing becomes easier Your energy levels begin to increase Your circulation improves within about 2 weeks to 3 months After 1 year you reduce your risk of heart attack by 50% As we know, nicotine is an addictive substance.
Addictions are not easy to get rid of, but you must remember it can be done! You may or may not go through some of the following symptoms when becoming smoke-free: Irritability, cravings, depression, increased appetite.
Dealing with withdrawal is not always easy but it can be done provided you really want to.
You will have to deal with all the nicotine cravings being it is an addictive substance, as this was already discussed.
There may also be a little bit of weight gain.
The weight gain usually comes from the fact that you are replacing cigarettes with food.
Being cigarettes are an oral habit you will find that you need the stimulation for your mouth.
The weight that you may gain 4 lbs does not have to be permanent weight.
You could begin a workout routine and work it off.
Working out would be good now that breathing will be much easier.
The second time I embarked on my since smoke-free lifestyle, I didn't gain any weight because I quit smoking at the same time as starting a healthy routine of eating right and exercise.
This worked for me! I am confident that it will work for many people.
Remember it isn't always easy in the beginning? However, is it worth it? YES!! Allow me to tell you how I quit.
I had decided that since I am always teaching how to replace negative self-talk with positive self-talk, that I should apply the same theory here.
I would replace the negative aspect of smoking with a positive aspect of some sort.
Back then I decided to replace smoking with a new computer.
I had never owed a computer so this was a novelty for me.
Please understand that I'm not saying go out and buy something expensive to replace this nasty habit.
All I'm saying is replace the addiction (the negative) with a personal positive.
After getting my computer, I knew in my heart that this was it; I would not pick up a cigarette again.
I would go on the computer every time I craved a cigarette or it was my normal habitual time to have a cigarette.
Of course, this didn't help when I got in the car and after dinner so I replaced that with sugar free gum.
From my many years of study, my understanding was always that you replace a negative with a positive if you want to improve a situation or life style.
This could mean for some people that running, exercise or walking might be their positive.
For others, playing a sport, quilting, scrap booking, or eating healthy, etc.
could do it for them.
You should do something that makes you feel good, your positive, and replace that negative.
However, keep in mind, that although sometimes we have the best intentions - life does happen, and there will be obstacles.
Do not let them discourage you.
Always look at what you already accomplished.
My computer crashed after 6 months and I didn't know what I was going to do.
I felt stressed and I suddenly thought I needed a cigarette.
I resisted the urge and kept my cool.
I knew that one cigarette would lead to a pack, to two packs and so on.
I thought to myself, if I could do this for 6 months why would I want to start all over again.
I knew that my health improved, I could run now.
I could do things that I was unable to do before I quit.
I could definitely breath easily!! NO WAY! I wasn't going to do that to myself again.
The great thing is there are so many options on the market today, to help quit smoking.
Maybe you should consider using one of them! I am a Certified Hypnotist as well as a Life Coach so I know that hypnosis works with quitting smoking.
Unfortunately for myself, I was not a hypnotist at the time I quit otherwise that would have been my choice.
The greatest part of hypnosis is that there are no drugs involved.
Which I think is a great avenue to take.
However, it isn't uncommon for some people to use the patch or the gum along with hypnosis.
It depends on you.
With hypnosis there are no adverse side effects.
The only "side effect" you will experience is you will possibly quit smoking, be very relaxed and have less stress in your life.
All positive! I could tell you from experience that if you go to a reputable hypnosis center and they create a tape for you to take home, and you listen to it daily, you should be able to quit smoking.
You should also make sure that you mention to your hypnotist that you want to curb your cravings and he/she could put that on the take home tape as well.
Trust me, I've seen people quit through this method many times.
You just need to listen to what the hypnotist asks you to do upon leaving his/her office.
After all, the hypnotist is the expert and knows what you should do.
But it is very important that you take it very serious.
It will work, if you let it.
There are some people who quit after the first session.
This is rare but I have seen it happen.
The Patch - I don't know much about it personally so I cannot say if it is good or bad but I know it is an option.
From the people I surveyed this has a pretty good success rate.
I would say that about 20% quit after using the patch.
When my mother was in the hospital years ago we couldn't figure out why she had such a bad attitude.
We realized it was because she was not able to smoke while in the hospital.
We asked them to put the patch on her and it took away all cravings and she was no longer grouchy.
I would check with a physician before taking this step.
I do not know if there are any contraindications with using this.
I do know that you should never light up a cigarette while using it.
There is a gum on the market that has Nicotine in it.
I chewed gum anyway when I quit so this might be a good alternative.
Chewing did help.
I do not know what this tastes like though.
(Let me know if you try it).
I would also contact a physician before trying this.
I, on the other hand, went cold turkey.
I smoked myself into a sore throat the night I decided to quit and I didn't even want to look at a cigarette the next day.
I did this on purpose.
I decided to link pain with smoking.
I was listening to Anthony Robbins at the time and the subject was about linking pain with things that you didn't want in your life anymore.
Where before I would link smoking with pleasure, I now knew I needed to change this.
I made a list of all the negative effects of smoking and really stated them in the worse possible scenarios.
I then smoked myself to near exhaustion until a cigarette was disgusting to me.
Don't think I didn't dream about smoking for 2 years and I still have a dream every now and then.
They are just now very far and few between.
I now choose health over cancer and death.
Are you ready for the great parts? You will be able to breath easier and cleaner.
You will be able to go in any establishment that is non-smoking and not feel frustrated.
Smoking establishments may begin to annoy you, as you will become sensitive to the smell of cigarette smoke.
My favorite great part is, you will be able to sing in your car without that cracking sound to your voice.
You will be a healthier, eventually happier human being.
You will be able to kiss someone and not worry about your breath tasting like a dirty ashtray.
Your clothes will not smell like stale smoke.
Your home, car, and workplace will be fresh smelling and clean.
You will be smoke-free.
Hooray! Here's an extra-added bonus: Cigarettes have really become expensive.
You should be excited about all the money you will be saving.
Start thinking about what you might want to do with that extra cash.
Figure out over a certain period of time how much you will save and give yourself a big reward! You will truly deserve it.
Set a goal that by a certain date you will have a certain amount of money and you will purchase a specific item that you have been wanting for a while but didn't have that extra $5.
00 - $10.
00 per week to spend.
For example: an exercise class or gym membership that would cost $10.
00 per week or $40.
00 per month.
Please, let me know how you do! If you need help to quit smoking send me an email.
I could coach you through the experience.
It sometimes makes the transition easier knowing you have someone to discuss things with.
We could work as partners figuring out which way is the best way to go and what positives you could replace the negatives with.
You could be one of those people who live a longer, healthier, more productive life.
You could also be saving the people around you.
I wish you much luck!! You can do it!! I'm positive you can! If I can do it, you can too!!!! (In this article as in all my articles this is only my opinion).
Once you quit you start to become a healthier you.
Besides that fact, you no longer have to deal with the stress related to going out and finding someplace that is not smoke-free.
I understand this subject because I am an ex smoker.
I, also, believe that you will find that ex smokers are not very tolerant to smoke.
This you will notice when you are no longer a smoker! Years ago I was a smoker.
I had quit for many years, and then unfortunately, I started to smoke again.
I did manage to quit again and stick with it.
I think I've been smoke-free for at least 13 years now, maybe even more.
I feel that I used a great tactic to quit.
First, I must tell you that I know the first thing that most people worry about is gaining weight.
Statistically, from everything that I have read, you could truly only gain 4 lbs that could eventually be lost.
One big question is, why is it that we continue to smoke even when we are aware of lung cancer and all of the ill effects that it has on us.
Besides how second hand smoke can affect the people around us? What you are probably unaware of is all the benefits associated with becoming smoke-free.
From all the information I've read over the years, here are just a few benefits that I found: After about 3 days breathing becomes easier Your energy levels begin to increase Your circulation improves within about 2 weeks to 3 months After 1 year you reduce your risk of heart attack by 50% As we know, nicotine is an addictive substance.
Addictions are not easy to get rid of, but you must remember it can be done! You may or may not go through some of the following symptoms when becoming smoke-free: Irritability, cravings, depression, increased appetite.
Dealing with withdrawal is not always easy but it can be done provided you really want to.
You will have to deal with all the nicotine cravings being it is an addictive substance, as this was already discussed.
There may also be a little bit of weight gain.
The weight gain usually comes from the fact that you are replacing cigarettes with food.
Being cigarettes are an oral habit you will find that you need the stimulation for your mouth.
The weight that you may gain 4 lbs does not have to be permanent weight.
You could begin a workout routine and work it off.
Working out would be good now that breathing will be much easier.
The second time I embarked on my since smoke-free lifestyle, I didn't gain any weight because I quit smoking at the same time as starting a healthy routine of eating right and exercise.
This worked for me! I am confident that it will work for many people.
Remember it isn't always easy in the beginning? However, is it worth it? YES!! Allow me to tell you how I quit.
I had decided that since I am always teaching how to replace negative self-talk with positive self-talk, that I should apply the same theory here.
I would replace the negative aspect of smoking with a positive aspect of some sort.
Back then I decided to replace smoking with a new computer.
I had never owed a computer so this was a novelty for me.
Please understand that I'm not saying go out and buy something expensive to replace this nasty habit.
All I'm saying is replace the addiction (the negative) with a personal positive.
After getting my computer, I knew in my heart that this was it; I would not pick up a cigarette again.
I would go on the computer every time I craved a cigarette or it was my normal habitual time to have a cigarette.
Of course, this didn't help when I got in the car and after dinner so I replaced that with sugar free gum.
From my many years of study, my understanding was always that you replace a negative with a positive if you want to improve a situation or life style.
This could mean for some people that running, exercise or walking might be their positive.
For others, playing a sport, quilting, scrap booking, or eating healthy, etc.
could do it for them.
You should do something that makes you feel good, your positive, and replace that negative.
However, keep in mind, that although sometimes we have the best intentions - life does happen, and there will be obstacles.
Do not let them discourage you.
Always look at what you already accomplished.
My computer crashed after 6 months and I didn't know what I was going to do.
I felt stressed and I suddenly thought I needed a cigarette.
I resisted the urge and kept my cool.
I knew that one cigarette would lead to a pack, to two packs and so on.
I thought to myself, if I could do this for 6 months why would I want to start all over again.
I knew that my health improved, I could run now.
I could do things that I was unable to do before I quit.
I could definitely breath easily!! NO WAY! I wasn't going to do that to myself again.
The great thing is there are so many options on the market today, to help quit smoking.
Maybe you should consider using one of them! I am a Certified Hypnotist as well as a Life Coach so I know that hypnosis works with quitting smoking.
Unfortunately for myself, I was not a hypnotist at the time I quit otherwise that would have been my choice.
The greatest part of hypnosis is that there are no drugs involved.
Which I think is a great avenue to take.
However, it isn't uncommon for some people to use the patch or the gum along with hypnosis.
It depends on you.
With hypnosis there are no adverse side effects.
The only "side effect" you will experience is you will possibly quit smoking, be very relaxed and have less stress in your life.
All positive! I could tell you from experience that if you go to a reputable hypnosis center and they create a tape for you to take home, and you listen to it daily, you should be able to quit smoking.
You should also make sure that you mention to your hypnotist that you want to curb your cravings and he/she could put that on the take home tape as well.
Trust me, I've seen people quit through this method many times.
You just need to listen to what the hypnotist asks you to do upon leaving his/her office.
After all, the hypnotist is the expert and knows what you should do.
But it is very important that you take it very serious.
It will work, if you let it.
There are some people who quit after the first session.
This is rare but I have seen it happen.
The Patch - I don't know much about it personally so I cannot say if it is good or bad but I know it is an option.
From the people I surveyed this has a pretty good success rate.
I would say that about 20% quit after using the patch.
When my mother was in the hospital years ago we couldn't figure out why she had such a bad attitude.
We realized it was because she was not able to smoke while in the hospital.
We asked them to put the patch on her and it took away all cravings and she was no longer grouchy.
I would check with a physician before taking this step.
I do not know if there are any contraindications with using this.
I do know that you should never light up a cigarette while using it.
There is a gum on the market that has Nicotine in it.
I chewed gum anyway when I quit so this might be a good alternative.
Chewing did help.
I do not know what this tastes like though.
(Let me know if you try it).
I would also contact a physician before trying this.
I, on the other hand, went cold turkey.
I smoked myself into a sore throat the night I decided to quit and I didn't even want to look at a cigarette the next day.
I did this on purpose.
I decided to link pain with smoking.
I was listening to Anthony Robbins at the time and the subject was about linking pain with things that you didn't want in your life anymore.
Where before I would link smoking with pleasure, I now knew I needed to change this.
I made a list of all the negative effects of smoking and really stated them in the worse possible scenarios.
I then smoked myself to near exhaustion until a cigarette was disgusting to me.
Don't think I didn't dream about smoking for 2 years and I still have a dream every now and then.
They are just now very far and few between.
I now choose health over cancer and death.
Are you ready for the great parts? You will be able to breath easier and cleaner.
You will be able to go in any establishment that is non-smoking and not feel frustrated.
Smoking establishments may begin to annoy you, as you will become sensitive to the smell of cigarette smoke.
My favorite great part is, you will be able to sing in your car without that cracking sound to your voice.
You will be a healthier, eventually happier human being.
You will be able to kiss someone and not worry about your breath tasting like a dirty ashtray.
Your clothes will not smell like stale smoke.
Your home, car, and workplace will be fresh smelling and clean.
You will be smoke-free.
Hooray! Here's an extra-added bonus: Cigarettes have really become expensive.
You should be excited about all the money you will be saving.
Start thinking about what you might want to do with that extra cash.
Figure out over a certain period of time how much you will save and give yourself a big reward! You will truly deserve it.
Set a goal that by a certain date you will have a certain amount of money and you will purchase a specific item that you have been wanting for a while but didn't have that extra $5.
00 - $10.
00 per week to spend.
For example: an exercise class or gym membership that would cost $10.
00 per week or $40.
00 per month.
Please, let me know how you do! If you need help to quit smoking send me an email.
I could coach you through the experience.
It sometimes makes the transition easier knowing you have someone to discuss things with.
We could work as partners figuring out which way is the best way to go and what positives you could replace the negatives with.
You could be one of those people who live a longer, healthier, more productive life.
You could also be saving the people around you.
I wish you much luck!! You can do it!! I'm positive you can! If I can do it, you can too!!!! (In this article as in all my articles this is only my opinion).