Finding Your Purpose - What Do YOU Want To Be When You Grow Up?
After being employed for 25 years on Wall Street, I recently lost my job.
Nobody ever thinks it will happen to them but it's happening more and more every day.
My position was made "redundant", which seems to be the Wall Street mantra these days.
Ironically, I was offered a position with the company and it would have come with a monetary increase! Imagine that, offer me a job with a raise while you fire hundreds of people! Unfortunately, I had to turn the job down for a variety of reasons.
Required travel to India (several times a year) was a big reason but the bigger reason was ME! I knew in my heart, it was time to leave and pursue something else.
But what?? What was my "Purpose"? This is a question I continue to ask myself and it's a GREAT question to be asking.
As I continue my journey, I'm still trying to figure out what my purpose is.
I think many people confuse purpose with "the thing I'm supposed to do".
It's NOT! Goal setting is VITAL to success but without knowing your TRUE purpose in life, you will continue hitting walls with no end in site.
What do you REALLY want to be when you grow up? For many years, I was quite unhappy with my job.
I looked at this as an amazing opportunity to FINALLY realize what my calling was and more importantly, act on it.
So, have I actually FOUND my purpose? And if so, how did I do it? We are all a "work in progress" with required work each and every day.
Can I truly answer that question? Well, the short answer is NO but I do have more clarity as to my purpose and this is how I did it.
Take a personal inventory This is easier said then done but I'm talking about a brutally HONEST self assessment here! Knowing what you DON'T want out of life is almost as important as figuring out what you do want! 2.
What truly "Moves" you? Have you ever done things that just made you feel great? Remember a time in your life when you did something that made you feel great (no matter what it was) and go back to that time.
Put yourself in that space and trust me, you will get ideas.
Create a journal Some people may have a hard time with this but in my opinion, it is absolutely vital to your success.
Once you have come up with some ideas, just start writing! Think "What is my calling?" and don't stop until you fill a sheet (or two).
When your done, you will be AMAZED at what presents itself to you! This is creative energy trying to come into the real world and it's coming through you.
Obviously, this is just the tip of the iceberg but when you start asking the right questions, the answers seem to make themselves present and in many different ways.
Oftentimes, in ways that would both surprise and amaze you! Good luck.
Nobody ever thinks it will happen to them but it's happening more and more every day.
My position was made "redundant", which seems to be the Wall Street mantra these days.
Ironically, I was offered a position with the company and it would have come with a monetary increase! Imagine that, offer me a job with a raise while you fire hundreds of people! Unfortunately, I had to turn the job down for a variety of reasons.
Required travel to India (several times a year) was a big reason but the bigger reason was ME! I knew in my heart, it was time to leave and pursue something else.
But what?? What was my "Purpose"? This is a question I continue to ask myself and it's a GREAT question to be asking.
As I continue my journey, I'm still trying to figure out what my purpose is.
I think many people confuse purpose with "the thing I'm supposed to do".
It's NOT! Goal setting is VITAL to success but without knowing your TRUE purpose in life, you will continue hitting walls with no end in site.
What do you REALLY want to be when you grow up? For many years, I was quite unhappy with my job.
I looked at this as an amazing opportunity to FINALLY realize what my calling was and more importantly, act on it.
So, have I actually FOUND my purpose? And if so, how did I do it? We are all a "work in progress" with required work each and every day.
Can I truly answer that question? Well, the short answer is NO but I do have more clarity as to my purpose and this is how I did it.
Take a personal inventory This is easier said then done but I'm talking about a brutally HONEST self assessment here! Knowing what you DON'T want out of life is almost as important as figuring out what you do want! 2.
What truly "Moves" you? Have you ever done things that just made you feel great? Remember a time in your life when you did something that made you feel great (no matter what it was) and go back to that time.
Put yourself in that space and trust me, you will get ideas.
Create a journal Some people may have a hard time with this but in my opinion, it is absolutely vital to your success.
Once you have come up with some ideas, just start writing! Think "What is my calling?" and don't stop until you fill a sheet (or two).
When your done, you will be AMAZED at what presents itself to you! This is creative energy trying to come into the real world and it's coming through you.
Obviously, this is just the tip of the iceberg but when you start asking the right questions, the answers seem to make themselves present and in many different ways.
Oftentimes, in ways that would both surprise and amaze you! Good luck.