Easy Omega 3 Sources May Prevent Heart Disease
If you're not getting enough omega 3 sources in your diet-and most Westerners are not-then you're setting yourself up for a smorgasbord of diseases later.
Alzheimer's, rheumatoid arthritis, and heart disease are all linked to chronic inflammation.
Harvard University did a study and found between 63,000 and 100,000 American deaths a year were linked to a deficiency in omega 3's.
These people could have lived longer and healthier simply by changing their nutrition.
Luckily, this inflammation can be reduced by getting more omega3 sources in your diet.
See, most Westerners are too busy eating lots of packaged foods and not enough spinach, walnuts, avocados and fish Fish, especially are excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids.
These fatty acids reduce inflammation in your brain and body which reduces the stress on your body so you can be healthier.
Here's what inflammation does to your body.
Think of a time when you've gotten a paper cut or accidentally cut your finger chopping vegetables.
You remember the throbbing, the swelling and redness? That's your body's immune system kicking in to heal you and fight infection.
The white blood cells rush in and start destroying tissue around the cut so infection doesn't set in.
Naturally, they get some of the healthy tissue as well.
It's just part of the process.
That's not a problem for most minor injuries, they heal up and you forget about them.
But when you're pumping your body full of foods that create inflammation -like fried stuff and you don't get enough of the nutrients that reduce inflammation-you create a situation where your body is constantly releasing chemicals to try and "heal" you.
Since most of this is going on internally, it's hard to pinpoint though you may feel some throbbing and pains in your body-of course, you may chalk it up to "old age".
In reality, it's your body attempting to "heal" and control inflammation.
The stress on your body this causes is kind of like if you lived your life trapped in a traffic jam during a snowstorm.
Couple this with the stress you feel from work and other things in your life which also increases inflammation.
All together, it wrecks havoc on your health and the results are chronic diseases.
People in regions where they eat a lot of omega 3's-like Japan with their high fish intake-generally live longer, healthier lives.
There's little incidence of heart disease or Alzheimer's in Japan.
Fish is especially high in these essential fatty acids.
They're rich resources of DHA and EPA which your body and brain need to function well.
The American Heart Association recommends eating fish 2-3 times a week.
Many doctors recommend fish oil supplements.
The reason so many heath practitioners want you to get more of these healthy nutrients is because they're natural anti inflammatories so they'll reduce your inflammation levels.
To learn more about easy to get omega 3 sources, please visit my website where I share plenty of information about these essential fatty acids.
Alzheimer's, rheumatoid arthritis, and heart disease are all linked to chronic inflammation.
Harvard University did a study and found between 63,000 and 100,000 American deaths a year were linked to a deficiency in omega 3's.
These people could have lived longer and healthier simply by changing their nutrition.
Luckily, this inflammation can be reduced by getting more omega3 sources in your diet.
See, most Westerners are too busy eating lots of packaged foods and not enough spinach, walnuts, avocados and fish Fish, especially are excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids.
These fatty acids reduce inflammation in your brain and body which reduces the stress on your body so you can be healthier.
Here's what inflammation does to your body.
Think of a time when you've gotten a paper cut or accidentally cut your finger chopping vegetables.
You remember the throbbing, the swelling and redness? That's your body's immune system kicking in to heal you and fight infection.
The white blood cells rush in and start destroying tissue around the cut so infection doesn't set in.
Naturally, they get some of the healthy tissue as well.
It's just part of the process.
That's not a problem for most minor injuries, they heal up and you forget about them.
But when you're pumping your body full of foods that create inflammation -like fried stuff and you don't get enough of the nutrients that reduce inflammation-you create a situation where your body is constantly releasing chemicals to try and "heal" you.
Since most of this is going on internally, it's hard to pinpoint though you may feel some throbbing and pains in your body-of course, you may chalk it up to "old age".
In reality, it's your body attempting to "heal" and control inflammation.
The stress on your body this causes is kind of like if you lived your life trapped in a traffic jam during a snowstorm.
Couple this with the stress you feel from work and other things in your life which also increases inflammation.
All together, it wrecks havoc on your health and the results are chronic diseases.
People in regions where they eat a lot of omega 3's-like Japan with their high fish intake-generally live longer, healthier lives.
There's little incidence of heart disease or Alzheimer's in Japan.
Fish is especially high in these essential fatty acids.
They're rich resources of DHA and EPA which your body and brain need to function well.
The American Heart Association recommends eating fish 2-3 times a week.
Many doctors recommend fish oil supplements.
The reason so many heath practitioners want you to get more of these healthy nutrients is because they're natural anti inflammatories so they'll reduce your inflammation levels.
To learn more about easy to get omega 3 sources, please visit my website where I share plenty of information about these essential fatty acids.