Obama Accepts Responsibility
The main reasons have been, no public option for health care, and we are still fighting in Iraq.
I would like to point out on his behalf that even though he is the highest single figurehead in our country, he can't just pass laws and bills by himself.
I'm sure if that were the case we would have a public option, because he was the one trying to push it.
Who's to blame -- both the republicans and the dems.
Who received the blame -- Obama.
Even though he worked his ass of to get it, it got blocked.
The one thing that did get passed though is the health care plan, and it can always be updated later.
Now for Iraq, Iraq is not Obama's war, he (we) got stuck with it because of Dubya and his lies.
I'm sure the people of America would like it if we could just drop our guns and leave.
I know I would, but what would the consequences of that be? Who knows.
The top generals and advisers claim it is best for us to stay at the moment, and they're the ones who are on the ground, and have war experience.
From what I can tell Obama is trying his best to get us out of there in the best way possible.
And I have to give Obama kudos for accepting responsibility for the failed attack on flight 253, Even though he could point the blame somewhere else, and the flight started in another country.
He claimed the work from our security forces weren't up to par, and is doing something about it.
Looks like good leadership to me.
It seems he has the peoples best interest in mind, not just how fat his wallet can get.
So think about that while you try and figure out who would be best for the job of president in 2012.