Some Basic Feng Shui Tips For Your Home Office
Before you go laughing it off as a bunch of magical mumbo-jumbo, keep in mind that Feng Shui is a centuries-old tradition that combines spirituality and the energy of natural elements to influence your environment.
Practitioners believe that if your environment is properly aligned and balanced, your life will be, too, and that negative energies in your environment can have a detrimental effect on every aspect of your day, including your productivity at work.
Try the following Feng Shui tips and see how much better your workday goes.
* Your Desk - You know yourself how important your desk is.
Everything you need for your business is right there, either on or inside your desk.
But the placement and shape of your desk are also critical if you want to properly align the positive energy flow in your office.
* Placement - Your desk needs to be placed in a power position, a position that puts you in command of the entire room.
You need to have a direct, unobstructed view of the door and have a wall behind you for stability.
You should also be able to see out a window without anything blocking your view.
This way, you can see anything or anyone coming at you and nothing can sneak up from behind.
* Shape - Feng Shui holds that you should never have sharp corners in close proximity because they don't promote positive energy flow.
Rounded corners on your desk are better but the best shape for your desk is kidney shaped because it represents the way our natural body curves and promotes a feeling of spiritual alignment.
* Clutter - Everything that you have on top of your desk has the potential for blocking the energy flow throughout your office.
Get rid of the clutter and organize your desktop to remove chaos and restore peace and tranquility.
While you're at it, get rid of all the clutter in your office.
Clutter just invites negative energy.
* Colors - Different colors have different meanings, but if you want to make money in your home office, then one of the best Feng Shui tips is to go for blues, purples and reds.
* Lighting - Natural sunlight is best but be careful of glare if you put your desk near a window.
And try replacing fluorescent lighting with other types of lamps that won't cause a glare.
* Plants - The color green enhances creativity and helps improve the positive energy flow in the room.
And funny, too, that green is the color of money! Place live, green plants in unused corners of the room that might need a boost of energy.