Salaries for Taxonomists
- The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the employment of taxonomists will increase by 21 percent from 2008 to 2018. This is much greater than the average increase in employment for all occupations for this period. The federal government will continue to provide a large amount of funding for research projects in biology, sustaining the employment of taxonomists. Taxonomists with advanced degrees, especially doctoral degrees, will find the greatest opportunities for employment in their field.
- The BLS provides salary information on biological scientists such as taxonomists. The average annual salary for these scientists was $71,310 in 2010. The bottom 10 percent of taxonomists earned $38,780 per year on average and the bottom fourth made $52,200 per year. The middle half of taxonomists earned an average annual salary of $68,220. The upper fourth of taxonomists earned average salaries of $83,430 per year and the top 10 percent earned $102,300 per year on average.
- The federal government employed the greatest number of taxonomists in 2010, where they earned salaries averaging $73,530 per year on average. University-employed taxonomists earned an average annual salary of $59,200. Taxonomists engaged in scientific research earned an average of $77,050 per year and pharmaceutical companies paid taxonomists $74,670 per year. Taxonomists working for state governments earned an average annual salary of $64,530.
- California employed the greatest number of taxonomists in 2010, where they earned an average annual salary of $73,350. Maryland had the next highest number of taxonomists, with salaries averaging $93,330 per year. Taxonomists in Texas earned salaries averaging $67,350 per year and Florida taxonomists earned an average of $59,530 per year. Taxonomists working in Washington state earned an average of $67,540 per year.