Abolish Outstanding Credit Card Debt - End Ongoing Charge card Credit Card Debt with These Tried and
To begin with, sit down with your family and plan a budget which will be monitored on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis. This will help you to understand where exactly your earnings are being spent and help you channelize your expenses. Look at how much disposable income is available after reducing your expenses from your net income and use this amount towards the debt reduction efforts.
Next create a debt list, listing all your debts in descending order of interest rates. Ensure that you use the disposable income to make more than the monthly minimum payments for each of the debts while targeting paying off the one with the highest interest rates first.
Run an inventory of unused or unnecessary assets or belongings that you have with you and sell off the assets to generate some extra income. Use this amount for capital generation initiatives (like starting a part time business) since this is a non-repetitive income and can add up substantially to your savings for a future emergency. Another option is to reduce your mortgage period to bi-weekly, which will reduce the interest that you pay on it.
You could also look at substituting your current credit cards with a low interest one as part of credit card debt consolidation. You could negotiate with credit card companies to get good deals after looking at transfer fees and other hidden charges.
Consolidation loans help with debt reduction by clubbing together numerous loans to form a single loan at a lower interest rate. These loans have collaterals attached to them, so it is advisable only for individuals who are disciplined about repayment. You could also enlist the help of a credit counselor to negotiate better terms with your creditors and set up debt management programs for you.