Winter Suggestions to Protect From Water Damage
Flooding, bursting pipes, snow melt and other naturally occurring things can ruin a great season for the whole family.
However, a few simple things can be done in order to beat the weather to the punch: 1.
) Make sure all your out door sprinklers are shut off.
If you didn't have your system winterized, call your sprinkler company to find out what you can do to start that process (especially helpful if you live in the north east or mid north west.
) 2.
) Make sure all your out door spigots are shut off from the inside.
Keeping areas like this from freezing helps to maintain water flow inside.
) Have your Water Heater and Boilers maintained.
Keeping these pieces up-to-date can help you replace them before they wear down, or fix minor problems that can cause to gallons of water flooding space in your basement.
It's not a matter of "if" it's a matter of "when".
) Have your sump pump maintained.
Making sure that your sump pump is working properly can help to defend your basement come the spring, heavy thaw, or if exterior water pipes freeze and burst.
) Make sure to have your plumbing looked at and have your water lines insulated and pitched.
Cleaning all lines can help to remove clogs.
Clogs cause back ups, which can freeze, then cause the weakening of the pipes and bursting.
) If you have a generator make sure that you're up to date on your service and that things are running fine for those desperate times during some of New England's great winter storms.
) If you have a water/moisture control system installed, consider having your system upgraded with a battery back-up sump pump.
If you're not running on a generator for back up electricity, battery back-ups are more than just suggested.
Having something to remove water is essential for coming out of the winter and into spring.
Other than that, make sure to have plenty of hot-chocolate, emergency phone numbers by the phone (plumber, basement repair company, heating company, etc.
) and enjoy the winter! Stay warm, stay dry!