Green Tea and Weight Loss - 3 Ways Green Tea Can Help You to Lose Weight
Green Tea has been hailed as a miracle weight loss supplement by experts for years and so it's no surprise that you will find it listed as an ingredient on many diet pills and other products which aids losing weight.
You might be wondering how does it actually help with losing weight.
Well, it does this in 3 ways: 1.
By helping us to burn fat When we eat, food is turned into a substance called triglyceride, which is essential and a source of energy for the body.
The problem is when there are excess triglycerides in our body it gets turned into fat.
Green Tea activates enzymes, which are responsible for dissolving triglycerides, and this aids in burning fat.
By speeding up our metabolism Green Tea contains many antioxidants with multiple health benefits.
The main one, which we are concerned with here, is epigallocatechin gallate (or EGCG for short).
It speeds up our metabolism, which in turn helps us to lose more weight.
By increasing our stamina Exercise is essential in a weight loss program, and the catechin polyphenols in in the tea reduces the rate at which carbohydrates are used.
This in turn means you have more energy for longer, giving you more endurance for exercise, which of course burns calories and as a result increases your metabolism.
All of them are extremely important for weight loss.
Obviously Green Tea is not going to do all the work for you and it should only be considered as a supplement to a healthy low fat diet, coupled with a sensible exercise program.
We all need a little help when losing weight so regard Green Tea as your little helper! Remember, before embarking on any serious weight loss program, consult your doctor.
You might be wondering how does it actually help with losing weight.
Well, it does this in 3 ways: 1.
By helping us to burn fat When we eat, food is turned into a substance called triglyceride, which is essential and a source of energy for the body.
The problem is when there are excess triglycerides in our body it gets turned into fat.
Green Tea activates enzymes, which are responsible for dissolving triglycerides, and this aids in burning fat.
By speeding up our metabolism Green Tea contains many antioxidants with multiple health benefits.
The main one, which we are concerned with here, is epigallocatechin gallate (or EGCG for short).
It speeds up our metabolism, which in turn helps us to lose more weight.
By increasing our stamina Exercise is essential in a weight loss program, and the catechin polyphenols in in the tea reduces the rate at which carbohydrates are used.
This in turn means you have more energy for longer, giving you more endurance for exercise, which of course burns calories and as a result increases your metabolism.
All of them are extremely important for weight loss.
Obviously Green Tea is not going to do all the work for you and it should only be considered as a supplement to a healthy low fat diet, coupled with a sensible exercise program.
We all need a little help when losing weight so regard Green Tea as your little helper! Remember, before embarking on any serious weight loss program, consult your doctor.