April 8
Updated October 21, 2014.
BuddyT Says:
When I have a tough decision to make, I use the principles of the 12 steps to help me make the right choice. I tell myself, God and another human being what I have decided and then I sit back and see how that "feels." If I have a peace about it, usually I find I have made the right decision. If I don't have a peace about it, chances are I either made the wrong decision or I don't know all of the options yet.
The "Thoughts of the Day" are from members of various 12 step programs. Some will are A.A., some Al-Anon, and some Adult Children of Alcoholics. Take what you need and leave the rest!
BuddyT Says:
When I have a tough decision to make, I use the principles of the 12 steps to help me make the right choice. I tell myself, God and another human being what I have decided and then I sit back and see how that "feels." If I have a peace about it, usually I find I have made the right decision. If I don't have a peace about it, chances are I either made the wrong decision or I don't know all of the options yet.
The "Thoughts of the Day" are from members of various 12 step programs. Some will are A.A., some Al-Anon, and some Adult Children of Alcoholics. Take what you need and leave the rest!