Speakers, Coaches, and Experts - Write to Sell During a Recession
In fact, I'd be willing to bet that the people in your market need the guidance and insight you provide now more than ever.
But in a recession, it takes a little more encouragement to get people to help themselves by buying your products and services.
In other words, you may need to fine-tune your marketing.
Here are a few tips for helping your clients and prospects buy from you.
Emphasize the Value You Provide If you want people to buy from you, be very clear about what you'll do for them and how their lives will be easier.
Will you save them time? Can you help them make more money? Emphasizing the value positions your product or service as an investment, not an expense.
Give Away Freebies Giving away a free special report is a cheap and easy way to introduce prospects to who you are and what you do.
It starts building your relationship with them right away.
Make your report stand out by giving your leads something (a new strategy or a few tips) they can implement easily and immediately see results.
And don't be afraid to ask your readers to pass your report along to friends and colleagues.
Develop and Sell Information Products Information products-like e-books, teleseminars, and group programs-are a great way to leverage your time and give people more inexpensive ways to work with you.
For example, although some people might hesitate to commit to a $1,000 monthly one-on-one coaching fee, they might be happy to participate in a group program for a few hundred dollars.
Keep Following Up Even if a person is interested in what you have to offer, they might let opportunities to work with you slip past them during tight financial times.
So now more than ever, following up repeatedly is critical.
Even though you may be tempted to cut the frequency of your marketing to save money, keep e-mailing and writing your list to remind them about the value you provide and the results they'll get from working with you.
Marketing succeeds with follow up.
Selling Your Services in Any Economy You chose your profession to help people be more successful, and with so much doom and gloom these days, the world needs you more than ever.
With these strategies, you can help your clients and prospects see that a better way exists.
When people feel comfortable and confident that you can help, they won't hesitate to buy.
And whatever you do, don't stop marketing!