Falls Church House Painters
Were you happy with the quality provided by the painting contractor?
Everybody has their own ideas of quality, so you should take a look at their house and judge for yourself. Pay attention to cut-in areas around doors, windows and trim. Are the lines straight and was caulking applied. Interior or exterior doesnt matter; proper surface preparation always leads to better, more pleasing results.
Did the painting contractor protect non-painted surfaces or areas?
For exteriors this includes concrete, roofing and plantings. For interiors moving and protecting furniture is a major concern but dont forget about the flooring. If a painter was sloppy with one customer chances are they will be sloppy with all of them. If you are left to clean up after your painter this will cost you more time and money and frustration.
Were they courteous and polite?
This is a very important consideration. The entire experience, from beginning to end, needs to be as stress free as possible. Plus if the house painter enjoys their job, the quality and attention to details will be better. The customers attitude can and will affect the entire paint job. Hopefully this will be the first question you ask. If the answer to this question is no then do not go any further, you dont want to work with that person.
Is the warranty included?
If a warranty was included find out if it has a reasonable amount of time before expiring, 3 years is enough, and if it has any value. Simply stating a warranty isn't enough. Get it in writing and understand its limitations! A good painter is happy to stand behind his warranty. Good painters use quality materials and know their level of expertise. If a painter will not offer a warranty this is a problem in my mind.
Our team has carefully created a FREE guide that details how to find, select and hire dedicated painting professionals committed to serving your residential and commercial needs. Our Falls Church House Painters Buyers Guide is full of expert knowledge that will save you time, money and headache related to hiring a house painter. It pays to download our FREE guide before even thinking about hiring a house painter. Get instant access to our FREE guide now by going to our website at: http://www.FallsChurchHousePainters.info