A Government That Works for the People
It is rare however when you see a country that gets it right, so I would like to write about that too.
First we should understand what a government is actually there for.
Why are they voted in by the people and what is expected from them by those same people? Because in the story of humans, we have managed to separate ourselves into different countries, one can assume it is with the intent of belonging to a group and to one other.
All countries have borders and all people within those borders have a specific nationality.
All who live there are citizens of this country.
Leaders are chosen to run these countries and enforce the laws so that everyone can live in a safe and functioning society.
They are there to provide a decent and healthy existence to young as well as old.
Finally the Government's duty is to protect the people within this country from any harm.
One of these countries I think that has gotten it right is the Netherlands.
(Sweden also gets a big vote from me) There is not much you can complain about here: It is one of the most liberal countries in the world.
There is true freedom here, not the kind that you have to wonder if someone is pulling the wool over your eyes.
The people in this country I speak of enjoy the following: Everyone, and I mean everyone has a place to sleep at night, and if you can't afford it, it will be provided for you.
Everyone has food to eat every single day, and if you cannot afford it that will be provided for you as well.
If you happen to walk by a fat person it is a shocking thing to see because it is so rare.
This is because the government takes great care that only healthy fresh food enters into the country and is sold in all stores.
There is no one in this country that goes without medical care, you are insured against any medical condition from birth to death.
Following are a few examples of what such medical care entails.
There are professionals that drive around all day going to the homes of people that have suffered such things as cardiovascular diseases to measure their PT values and make sure that medications shouldn't be adjusted.
All new mothers get professional help home in the first weeks to clean and help take care of newborns so families are able to recuperate.
Preventive care is a big thing here; for example all women from a certain age is encouraged once a year to screen for cervical cancer.
You are truly free here to speak your mind.
There is no fear that you might stumble and say the wrong thing and get yourself in trouble like in so many countries around the world today.
There is no issue to small that happens here that all politicians do not head to the chambers to discuss.
If the people are upset about something they discuss it and fix it.
A true democracy.
You would be hard pressed to find a better infrastructure.
The roads are perfect, the waterways are clean and safe, the public transportation connects everyone to everywhere.
All students use public transportation for free and when you get too old to get to a train, bus or tram, someone comes to your home to take you where you have to go.
No weapons on the streets so that everyone can feel safe day or night.
A shooting is a rare and bizarre event and hits the country very hard.
Education is mandatory, free and top class.
When you reach to university those who cannot afford it (even though very cheap) help is provided for them by the government.
Childcare is provided for you if both parents choose to work.
Mortgages on homes are paid by the government for 50% of your costs.
No one is above the law but in this country the law is certainly not above anyone.
The police are here to remind you about the law..
that's it.
In other words you don't start to shiver when being stopped by law enforcement like it is in so many countries.
You have the right here to live how you want with whom you want, and should there come a time when you do not want to live anymore, you even have the right to die.
Simply talk to a doctor and ask or explain to him the reasons you want to take your life.
There is so much more to be said about this country that a simple posting can not elaborate on.
Best of all of the freedoms here is this; You can actually lie topless in your backyard with a joint in one hand and a wine in the other and casually wave to your neighbor and have them wave back without being in shock or being dragged off to prison for a couple of years.
True freedom.
The original premise and reasoning for setting yourselves apart as country loses its true meaning if a government does not work like this one.
Where all members of the country are protected and taken care of by the people they entrust to take care of them.
Everyone is cordial and respectful to each other.
The entire society is social and understands that being social means looking out for one another.
They are also the top on the list of social volunteer work around the world, so not only within their own borders.