Lean to Shed Plans-3 Reasons to Build a Lean To Shed
Reason 1-Cost
The first thing to remember is that your lean to shed only really has 3 sides..so it is going to be cheaper than a regular 4 sided shed. The uses to which you put your lean to shed such as providing a shelter for livestock or storing firewood means that you do not have to be too concerned about how aesthetically pleasing it is.
For this reason you can use free lumber and used lumber because the livestock certainly won’t mind. And the natural in built ventilation because of the 3 sides means that you will help prevent disease spreading from animal to animal and if you are using it for firewood storage or seasoning then your firewood will dry out quicker.
Reason 2-You have 2 choices of lean to shed.
You can have your lean to shed leaning up against a building like your house, in which case you will be more concerned about how it looks, or you can have it free standing for the protection of animals where you have no such concerns.
Reason 3-Free and Recycled Materials
In many instances you can use free or recycled materials and lumber lying around. You can even use pallets for your floor just to ensure that whatever you are storing is kept off the ground and dry. With the free standing one in a field for livestock you need not be too concerned about the floor..I am sure the livestock won’t mind either.
These are some of the factors to consider when thinking of building a lean to shed and you will need to get yourself a set of lean to shed plans and consider all the other issues also..