Side Effects of Antabuse
- Some of the side effects common with Antabuse are intentional and meant to help deter you from drinking alcohol. Many of these side effects are simply troublesome and pose no real danger, such as throbbing in your head or neck, nausea, breathlessness, sweating, flushing, nausea vomiting and thirst. Other side effects from the combination of Antabuse and alcohol are more serious like chest pain, fainting, drops in blood pressure or heart rate, weakness, dizziness and confusion. Both minor and serious intended effects of alcohol and Antabuse usually last for 30 to 60 minutes. In rare cases of severe binge drinking, life-threatening effects are possible, including heart attack, seizures and congestive heart failure.
- Antabuse infrequently causes a number of other troublesome, but not dangerous, side effects even in patients who do not ingest alcohol. Some patients develop skin rashes while taking the drug, but these outbreaks are controllable with the use of over-the-counter antihistamines in most cases. Sensory and neurological side effects of Antabuse include drowsiness, headaches, fatigue and a metallic taste when eating. It is possible for men to experience impotence while taking the drug.
- In addition to minor side effects and the risk of interactions, Antabuse has the potential to cause serious medical complications. Some patients develop optic neuritis or swelling of your optic nerve, resulting in sudden blindness and eye pain. Permanent damage to nerves in your hands or feet called peripheral neuropathy is another rare side effect of Antabuse. Inflammation or damage to your liver is also possible while taking the drug.
- There are some medications which produce unwanted side effects when used in conjunction with Antabuse. The epilepsy drug phenytoin frequently causes many side effects when combined with Antabuse, such as severe vomiting or vertigo. When combined with blood thinners like warfarin, Antabuse increases your risk of experiencing uncontrollable bleeding during surgery or following an injury. The tuberculosis medication Isoniazid has the potential to cause lack of coordination and mental confusion when used with Antabuse.
- Because there is not yet sufficient evidence that Antabuse has no unwanted effects upon the fetus, doctors typically do not prescribe the drug for pregnant women. While taking Antabuse, it is important to avoid foods and over-the-counter medications that contain alcohol, such as sauces, vinegars, cold medications and mouth washes. You should also avoid fumes or skin products that contain alcohol like paint thinners, rubbing alcohol, colognes or perfumes. Any product that contains alcohol has the potential to cause serious side effects similar to those experienced when you drink alcohol while taking Antabuse.