How To Create $16,000 A Month Retirement Income By Savings $500 A Month
Let's assume that you are 30 and can save $500 a month.
By the time you are 35, you will have $30,000 in the bank.
We are assuming so anyways.
It is now time to to start earning 12% on your money instead of 2%.
How do you do that? You invest in little known investment vehicle called Trust Deeds.
You do that while keeping yourself on track with your savings plan of $500 a month.
Now, you have $3600 additional income a year from the $30,000 you invested in Trust Deeds.
In addition, you are also adding $6000 a year to the pot.
By the time you are 40, you will have $18,000 in interest income, another $30,000 from you monthly savings plan, and your original $30,000 investment totaling $78,000.
Leave that invested in Trust Deeds at 12% interest until age 65 and you will have accumulated $1,326,000.
Adding $500 a month, from you own income, to your savings, for the next 25 years, even at a modest interest rate of 5%, will give you an additional $298,995.
Add this to your $1,326,000 in Trust Deeds, and you will have $1,624,995 for retirement.
At 12% interest, that will give you $194,995 in annual interest income or, a monthly income of $16,249.
Of-course these numbers are all hypothetical and you must consult your Accountant and Attorney to make any investment.
Indeed, wealth building, just like any building, involves time.
Time is your partner in everything.
Most people want to become rich overnight.
They have been trying to become rich overnight when they were 30 and they are trying to become rich overnight when they are 65.
80% people do not understand that anyone can be financially successful with a little financial discipline and consistency.