How to Grow Grass Under Japanese Maples
- 1). Place 3 inches of potting soil in the growing trays and spread it evenly.
- 2). Sprinkle the shade-tolerant grass seed into the trays, sprinkling it thickly and evenly.
- 3). Gently run a hand rake over the top of the soil to slightly bury the seeds.
- 4). Moisten the soil with a watering can and sprinkle with starter fertilizer, as per the manufacturer's directions.
- 5). Cover the trays in plastic wrap and place outdoors in a warm, sunny location to maximize germination.
- 6). Set the trays in greater and greater shady areas daily to begin training the grass to maximize sunlight usage. This process should take about two weeks after the grass sprouts.
- 7). Prepare the soil under the tree for transplant by sprinkling some starter fertilizer and wetting the soil.
- 8). Remove the sides of the trays and slide the rows of grass out onto the soil under the tree.
- 9). Keep the soil moist and watch as the grass forms runners and begins spreading.