10 Bad Blog Habits You Need To Break
Every blogger has the tendency to acquire awful blog routines. As a matter of fact, it normally goes out as you get at ease with your work. So before everything gets worst, you should review and ensure that those unpleasant blog practices are prevented, just like the things that will be tackled here - 10 unpleasant blog practice that you should prevent:
1. Postponement - Bloggers are like journalists, they give out the latest trends and topics, so it's vital to remain that way. When you happen to discover topics that can be featured on your blog, don't hesitate to do it! Avoid postponing things because you might lose your chance of featuring the topic ahead of others.Worse, you might lose interest in blogging about it at all.
2. Trying too hard - Do not push too hard when you write a blog. It is not essay homework and it doesn't require a minimum number of words to look good. Some blog posts survive with just a sentence and an image. Just write naturally and don't worry about metaphors and punch lines.
3. Not considering reader's comments - Many readers like to ask questions and leave feedback through the comments section. Show your gratitude by responding to their comments in a timely manner. If their questions are left unanswered, they'd most likely move on and look for another blog that can give them more information.
4. Does not check / proofread accomplished blog posts - Editing or proofreading is a vital practice that has to be considered even on blogs.If not, you might face humiliation and they will start to question your credibility by allowing your error-filled article to be published and be read by many.
5. Unpreparedness - Not everybody is gifted at spontaneous writing. Even if you are great at it, it's still a good idea to have some sort of outline for your blog entry. Relying too much on your spontaneity can result to a sub-par article composed of scattered thoughts.
6. Doesn't care about the blog's lay out - Utilizing different kinds of fonts in one sentence will definitely not attract readers. Even first-graders don't use that, so just don't.
7. Being pessimistic - A blog is indeed a very tempting tool to use in order to release the feelings that you have been keeping inside of you. However, ranting over and over again would never produce a positive result. It can even be so infectious to your readers that they'll end up having a dark cloud over their heads after reading your blog.
8. Letting yourself be interrupted with other things - You do not need to be updated every so often on your email and Facebook stuff. And do not focus on your stats! Most websites will only distract you in creating a quality article. If you really must, limit the time you spend on them.
9. Being self-centered - Everybody is aware that it is your personal blog, but once they read things about you and only you, then they will start to get bored. Create an excitement by presenting other individuals on your article. The topic doesn't have to be always you.
10. Too much social media - Social media is a vital ingredient in blogging, but focusing more on it can be harmful. Several bloggers are fond of giving updates on their social media profiles that they disregarded the need to update their blog.
There is no need for you to wait for New Year just to establish a change. These routines can be insignificant to others but do not disregard because they can make or break your blog.