Christian Butterfly Crafts
- Children will enjoy crafting butterflies to remember a Bible story or theme.many butterflies image by Vanessa van Rensburg from
Butterflies represent many Bible lessons and stories. Creation with a focus on all creatures and God (who made the seasons), as well as Noah's Ark, provide craft ideas for young children. Jesus' Resurrection and "a new life in Christ" are also themes church leaders and parents can use with butterfly crafts. - Turn a large oatmeal box upside down. Discard the lid. Have kids cover the round box with stick-on decorative paper, or glue some wrapping paper or construction paper onto the box. The kids can then cut butterfly shapes from any type of colorful paper. Glue the center of the butterfly onto the container and bend the wings outward. Make several different sizes and colors of butterflies. Next, tape several colorful crepe paper streamers to the bottom (open edge) of the oatmeal box. The kids may cut more butterflies and glue them onto the streamers. Make a hanger for the windsock by poking two holes in the top of the box surface, threading a piece of ribbon through both holes and tying it. The children can use markers to write on the windsock, "Butterflies are part of God's beautiful creation."
- Cut butterfly shapes, about 3-by-3 inches, out of craft foam. Have the kids cut smaller pieces of craft foam and glue pretty decorations onto their butterflies. Poke a chenille stem through one wing from the back, and then down through the other wing. Twist the ends of the chenille stem together to form a bracelet. Help children print the words, "New life" on the bracelets with gel pens.
- Have kids trace one of their footprints and both handprints onto sturdy paper. Cut the shapes out. A footprint will be the butterfly body. Glue one handprint onto each side of the footprint to make butterfly wings. If desired, have the kids trace and cut out four handprints and glue two wing sections onto each side of a footprint. Write on the footprint section, "God made butterflies, and God made me." Let the kids decorate the butterflies with glitter, sequins or other craft materials. The children may hold their butterflies while they sing a Christian song such as "If I Were a Butterfly," by Brian Howard. The lyrics and music are referenced below.
- String colorful plastic beads onto chenille stems, then bend the stems to form the letters "J," "O" and "Y." The "Y" may take two chenille stems, depending on how the children bend the stems. Bend the edges of the stems to cover up any sharp wire points. Then, string beads onto three chenille stems to form a butterfly. One stem should be folded into an oval for the body. Form a butterfly wing shape with each of the other two stems. Attach each wing to the top, then the bottom edge of the body, and twist the stems securely. Make two or three butterflies. Glue the letters vertically along a wide piece of ribbon to spell "JOY." Also glue the butterflies onto the ribbon between the letters.