Happiness is Letting Go of Drama
Some people live their lives moving from one crisis to the next.
When you watch them, you have to catch your breath as you wonder how they keep up the pace.
You may wonder how they maintain their sanity with all that unrelenting stress! Have you ever listened to such a person talk about what goes on for them? You often hear phrases like, "I just knew that was going to happen.
" They describe some negative event that they knew, beforehand, would happen.
Do you think those people are psychic? Hardly.
What you focus on expands, right? First they create the worry.
Realize that most things people worry about never ever actually happen.
In the words of Mark Twain, "I lived a long life filled with many worries most of which never happened.
" That is not the case for people who addicted to drama.
For them, every little concern materializes-quickly.
They would not know what to do if their lives were calm and peaceful, free from worry.
If there were no fire to put out, no situation to fix and no one needing immediate attention, those addicts would not know how to make it through the day.
I know a few people like that.
Some of them are friends-only I need to monitor how much time I spend around them as they can become very energy draining very quickly.
When I hang out with those friends, within a short period of time I find myself feeling in a frenzy, almost panicky.
I actually had to stop seeing them and then stop talking with them so as to avoid being drawn into their emotional and physical state.
If you know anyone like that you may wonder how they keep going.
You may suggest they can get through life taking it easy, enjoying themselves.
Ah, but your suggestions will fall on deaf ears.
You see those people need that drama to function.
For them, the drama serves as an adrenaline rush.
Addiction does not always happen with substances.
Addictions often happen with emotions.
Once you need an emotional upheaval to feel alive, over time, you need more and more dramatic events to feed that need.
Your life will spin upward with heavier and heavier situations-unless you stop it, consciously choose to stop it.
Why would anyone choose to live in a constant state of turmoil, worry and stress? What you don't know you don't know will get you very time.
When you watch them, you have to catch your breath as you wonder how they keep up the pace.
You may wonder how they maintain their sanity with all that unrelenting stress! Have you ever listened to such a person talk about what goes on for them? You often hear phrases like, "I just knew that was going to happen.
" They describe some negative event that they knew, beforehand, would happen.
Do you think those people are psychic? Hardly.
What you focus on expands, right? First they create the worry.
Realize that most things people worry about never ever actually happen.
In the words of Mark Twain, "I lived a long life filled with many worries most of which never happened.
" That is not the case for people who addicted to drama.
For them, every little concern materializes-quickly.
They would not know what to do if their lives were calm and peaceful, free from worry.
If there were no fire to put out, no situation to fix and no one needing immediate attention, those addicts would not know how to make it through the day.
I know a few people like that.
Some of them are friends-only I need to monitor how much time I spend around them as they can become very energy draining very quickly.
When I hang out with those friends, within a short period of time I find myself feeling in a frenzy, almost panicky.
I actually had to stop seeing them and then stop talking with them so as to avoid being drawn into their emotional and physical state.
If you know anyone like that you may wonder how they keep going.
You may suggest they can get through life taking it easy, enjoying themselves.
Ah, but your suggestions will fall on deaf ears.
You see those people need that drama to function.
For them, the drama serves as an adrenaline rush.
Addiction does not always happen with substances.
Addictions often happen with emotions.
Once you need an emotional upheaval to feel alive, over time, you need more and more dramatic events to feed that need.
Your life will spin upward with heavier and heavier situations-unless you stop it, consciously choose to stop it.
Why would anyone choose to live in a constant state of turmoil, worry and stress? What you don't know you don't know will get you very time.