Before anything else, you need to understand that this type of a policy can actually make you money. By telling potential customers that you will give them an insurance plan if they come to your building instead of going to the competition, you will make it so that they want to be a part of your club. You will have a higher level of appeal. If this draws in a few new clients every month, you could soon see that your club is packed with new members who are all paying to have the memberships that you have sold to them. You will be making more money than you ever hoped in just a short time.
In order to pay for the club insurance, one option is just to add it into the price of the membership. Most people will not even realize that it is there. They will all be able to pay just a small amount toward the group policy. The rates for individuals on a group policy are much lower than the rates for individuals on their own, so this is a good way for you to give them the lowest price that is possible. You will not be out anything at all.
Another option is just to let the people buy the policy if they want it, allowing those who do not care for it to save their money. You will be making it an additional charge, so there will surely be some people who pass on it, but this gives the option to those who desire to be protected. This is also a good way to do things because you can advertise the low rates that you get with the group policy.
The only problem with buying club insurance in this last way is that you will not draw in as many new members. People will not feel like the policy is free, so they will not be as excited about it. People always enjoy being given extra things for free more than paying for them.