How to Fix a Green Pool Bottom if the Water Looks Clear
- 1). Turn on the filter and assemble the pool's vacuum. Remove the skimmer basket. Connect one end of the pool hose to the vacuum and attach the vacuum to the telescopic pole.
- 2). Drop the vacuum into the water and fill the other end of the hose with water by holding it to the filter's return jet. Once the hose fills with water, place the end of it into the pool skimmer's round hose opening.
- 3). Vacuum the pool thoroughly, simultaneously gathering debris and scrubbing algae. Disconnect the pool vacuum when you are finished.
- 4). Brush the pool bottom with a nylon pool brush, which can be purchased from a pool-supply retailer. Algae should come up rather easily but may require some aggressive scrubbing.
- 5). Shock the pool and run the filter for 24 hours to kill any algae that have been kicked up from the pool bottom. This prevents algae from reattaching to the interior pool surfaces. The dosage of shock will vary, based on the pool's capacity.