5 Ways to Deal With ED and Diabetes
There are a great many different ways to deal with the problem, but here are 5 ways to deal with ED and diabetes so that you may find relief as opposed to continued problems with your erectile dysfunction.
Reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease is key because not only are diabetics more susceptible to heart trouble and serious heart conditions but these diseases also have a very damaging effect on blood vessels and nerves that are crucial if one wishes to experience healthy sexual functioning.
Asking your doctor for more information about the condition is a good idea and it is likely that he will recommend a specialist that is called an urologist.
They will be able to give more, better treatment options.
Alcohol is also a delicate subject, especially for diabetics.
The general rule is that one drink is healthy and promotes good blood flow through the heart, whereas two or more alcoholic beverages can have a pretty negative effect on the body, and make blood flow out of the penis too quickly.
Tobacco goes along the same lines and will narrow blood vessels.
Monitoring your blood sugar is probably something you are used to at this point but it becomes especially important.
And lastly, talk to your doctor before you make any plans to undergo treatment for your condition.