Are Weight Loss Drugs Safe?
To cure this problem, some people have resorted to surgical measures whereas others have decided that adjustments to their food intake and an increase in physical activity are necessary.
However, desperate people often make poor decisions and decide to take weight loss drugs as they are less expensive than surgery.
The drugs work by increasing the serotonin levels in the brain, making it believe that the stomach is already full, thereby, increasing the person's metabolic rate.
Unfortunately for the manufacturers, it was found that incidence of heart valve disease were connected to the use of the weight control pills and were rapidly removed from the shelves.
Not to be defeated though, manufacturers have introduced updated drugs, prescribed by doctors but the FDA approval process is slow.
You may in fact know someone who has used these pills at some time and has first hand experience of how effective they can be.
Let's be honest, it's in our nature to like things that provide near instant results, without having to put in any effort.
The weight loss drug manufacturers have spent a huge sum on research but this cannot be compared to the amount spent by consumers.
Weight control pills can be purchased either over-the-counter or prescribed by a doctor but even with the advances in medical technology they can still cause a lot of health related problems which can be unpleasant such as diarrhea and vomiting.
You must check the packet carefully before you decide to use them because some of the other side effects can be even more harmful, like the possibility of a heart attack or even a stroke, with hallucinations, tremors, breathing problems and convulsions all recorded as side effects for users of these drugs.
The side effects will depend on the person taking the medicine and can be related to their lifestyle; a consultation with the doctor first, rather than buying them over the counter, can help to reduce side effects; stopping using the drugs completely may not eradicate all the problems they may have caused.
The effects of withdrawing the pills are irritability, vomiting, depression, fatigue and insomnia to name only a few of the reported conditions.
Generally from the reports it would seem that the effectiveness of weight loss drugs is improved if they are combined with a regular exercise program and a low calorie diet.
A diet that is full of foods such as oats, rice, cereals, potatoes, vegetables and fruits contain a good supply of vitamins, minerals and essential fiber.
A person can jog every morning or sign up and workout in a gym but just as a person should consult a doctor before taking medicines, a doctor should also be consulted prior to undertaking any form of exercise.
By choosing a cardiovascular routine, the heart will be exercised and will benefit from the use of weights which in turn should help to speed up the person's metabolism so that calories are used up more quickly.