Interested in Starting a Home Based Internet Marketing Business?What"s Most Important in Choosing
Many years ago, I was introduced to Amway.
I was awed by the stories of people who were making millions from Amway, although I realized that Amway itself wasn't right for me.
Several years later, I found another, more appealing, off-line multi-level-marketing company but that didn't work out for me either.
One thing this company drilled into me was that the only way to make a lot of money was to have your own business.
If you work for someone else, they pointed out, then you are governed by his dreams, and his ideas of whether you are needed to achieve them.
Then they talked about all the scary statistics about the number of people who reach retirement and have to rely on Social Security (which isn't exactly thriving!) or the generosity of their family and friends.
They pointed out that all the rich people have their own businesses.
So now, I wanted one of my own.
What kind of thing would it be?I was a stay-at-home mother for 20 years, so I certainly didn't have any obvious skills or abilities I could market.
Then I heard about Internet Marketing.
I read that there are only 4 basic ways of becoming a millionaire.
They are business, real estate, investments, and the internet.
Given that I didn't have much money to start out with, and no corporate connections, the internet seemed the logical choice.
Once I started looking for internet marketing opportunities, I was suddenly flooded by e-mails each claiming that this person had the perfect answer.
Which one do you choose?Now I know that most of these "opportunities" are really scams and you have to be very careful to do your homework about them.
No matter how much they tell you that you have to decide now, don't.
And especially don't listen to anyone who says you can get rich quickly while doing little work.
A legitimate operation requires a lot of work and takes a lot of time (that varies depending on a number of factors) before you start to see a profit; although probably significantly less time and work than an offline business would take.
I knew that if I was going to have my own business, it was essential to find a company to work with.
I found a company that, regrettably, I didn't research enough.
They were legitimate but I found theydidn't have nearly as much coaching as I needed, especially about marketing (which is the most essential part of any business).
I discovered that for a newcomer (especially an older person who is not too computer-savvy) the most important thing to look for in choosing a company to work with (assuming they are legitimate and have a good product) is their coaching program.
Now I have located another company which does offer that.
One thing I have learned since looking into this is that marketing on the Internet is always changing.
Not only are new methods opening, and other ones becoming outdated, but even a given marketing method (blogging for ex) changes in terms of how to best accomplish it.
It is essential to not just have coaching for a set period of time; the coaching needs to be ongoing for as long as you work with them.
To find the right internet marketing company for you, the first thing you need to do is to research several companies to decide which ones are legitimate, and sound good to you.
You really need to do your homework.
Once you have found legitimate companies to work with, you need to especially look at whether they offer coaching, how much, what type, and for how long.
You are going to really need coaching, especially in marketing.
The ins and outs of the internet are tricky to learn, especially in the beginning, and marketing savvy is vital to your success.
Knowing how to market is even more important for making a profit than having a good product to sell (although of course you don't want to sell junk, for a variety of reasons).
The thing I look out for now in all the business opportunities I read about, is whether they have an ongoing coaching program, especially about marketing, for as long as you work with them.
That is what I have found is the most important consideration, other than a legitimate program, for newcomers to the industry.