How to Combat Erectile Dysfunction
There are countless prescription drugs that are designed to fight erectile dysfunction when taken a few hours before engaging in sexual intercourse.
However, the pills have had terrible side effects that can impact short and long term health problem.
Changing the diet by increasing the intake of foods that combat erectile dysfunction can improve male sexual health over time.
Below are some of the things that cause erectile and the food that helps to combat it.
Erectile dysfunction can be caused by age, dietetic tension, anxiousness, depression and tiredness.
Another contributing factor is an imbalanced diet.
Poor dietary habits can lead to vascular diseases that restrict blood flow to the penile organ.
It is calculated that eighteen million men in the United States suffer from erectile dysfunction.
The average American diet is high in concentrated fat, due in part to excess of fried, junk and fast foods.
Diets which contains large quantity of sugar, caffeine and dairy products also put men at risk.
Fresh coldwater fish offers different types of nutrients that have a positive impact on the body.
Fish is low in fat and rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that enhance circulatory health.
The gain in blood flow is not only good for the heart, but it also increases blood flow to the penis.
Increased blood flow is an important component for achieving and keeping an erection.
Recommended coldwater fish include pilchards, salmon, tuna, halibut and mackerel.