Shocking Revelations About Weight Loss
If you have tried losing weight by going on crash diet, being on expensive weight lose programs only to be disappointed.
Then read on you will be surprised or even shocked by the revelations.
You can actually lose weight by eating.
That's right, burn unwanted fat by eating!! Eating food is not the major culprit.
It's the sugar in food that is the major offender.
You might say yeah I know that.
You are right about the usual suspects such as candy and donuts.
The surprising fact is that foods that are touted as healthy might be stopping you from losing weight.
Food such as brown bread, orange juice, healthy cereals and the list goes on.
What happens is that these foods are rich in carbohydrates.
When you eat them it is broken down into sugar.
Your body's sugar level rises and prompts insulin into action.
High level of sugar is harmful to your body.
The insulin springs into action.
Quickly converting the excess sugar as stored fat and this cycle continues.
More stored fats the more unwanted body weight a person carries.
So what is the answer?Identify food that are bad for you and food that are good for you.
Good food increases your metabolic rate.
High metabolism helps burn more stored fat in a body.
Foods that one need to stay away from are processed foods like margarine, soya products, low fat dressings, wholemeal bread and pasta and so on.
Foods that are good for you are, yes butter, steaks, sprouted grain bread, millet, quinoa, sweet potatoes and so on.
Dieting to lose weight does not work.
When you starve your body automatically goes into protect mode.
It says it needs to save excess body weight for future use.
Hence you stop losing weight after certain point.
Then read on you will be surprised or even shocked by the revelations.
You can actually lose weight by eating.
That's right, burn unwanted fat by eating!! Eating food is not the major culprit.
It's the sugar in food that is the major offender.
You might say yeah I know that.
You are right about the usual suspects such as candy and donuts.
The surprising fact is that foods that are touted as healthy might be stopping you from losing weight.
Food such as brown bread, orange juice, healthy cereals and the list goes on.
What happens is that these foods are rich in carbohydrates.
When you eat them it is broken down into sugar.
Your body's sugar level rises and prompts insulin into action.
High level of sugar is harmful to your body.
The insulin springs into action.
Quickly converting the excess sugar as stored fat and this cycle continues.
More stored fats the more unwanted body weight a person carries.
So what is the answer?Identify food that are bad for you and food that are good for you.
Good food increases your metabolic rate.
High metabolism helps burn more stored fat in a body.
Foods that one need to stay away from are processed foods like margarine, soya products, low fat dressings, wholemeal bread and pasta and so on.
Foods that are good for you are, yes butter, steaks, sprouted grain bread, millet, quinoa, sweet potatoes and so on.
Dieting to lose weight does not work.
When you starve your body automatically goes into protect mode.
It says it needs to save excess body weight for future use.
Hence you stop losing weight after certain point.