Inspiration for Moms - 7 Easy To Follow Steps to Heal Your Emotional Wounds

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You can be healed of your emotional wounds no matter how badly you've been hurt.
There's a place inside of you where love resides.
And even though you may not feel loved you can turn within and draw on love's power right there inside of you.
No matter what's been said or done, you can leave the past behind and get on the path of emotional wholeness.
When my first marriage ended years ago, I was left feeling very hurt and lost.
But I did not stop there.
I quickly turned within to my power Source to pull myself out of the emotional despair I found myself in.
The next 7 easy to follow steps I share with you will give you a framework to work with and a foundation to build on so you too can heal your emotional wounds.
Easy-to-follow Step #1 - Make a conscious decision to let go of the past You don't need to hold on to something that's not helping you; that does not serve you in the best way possible.
The hurt and pain of the past will only keep you bound to what's not real at this moment.
Your freedom and your power are real.
Easy-to-follow Step #2 - Allow your emotions to heal Accept responsibility for your own healing process.
Often times we are the ones that block our own path to wholeness by holding on to what he said or what she did or our past mistakes.
Don't go picking your emotional scab.
Choose to get out of your own way and allow your emotions to heal.
Easy-to-follow Step #3 - Be open to the presence of Unconditional Love There's a place in each of us where love resides and as you are open to and allow the Presence of Unconditional Love to penetrate your emotional wounds, it's amazing how you can quickly heal and move on.
Easy-to-follow Step #4 - Forgive your offender Forgiveness does not just release your offender but it untangles you from the chains of resentment, hatred, bitterness and revenge.
It liberates you into the arms of love where freedom exists.
Love sets you free; free from the prison bars of painful memories.
Easy-to-follow Step #5 - Choose new thoughts How can you change the perspective of your situation? The thoughts you think are based on the way you perceive your experience.
Instead of looking at your offender from a place of anger, choose love.
You could say, "I wish you love.
" The same applies if you are the one that created the hurt.
Wish yourself love.
Easy-to-follow Step #6 - See yourself as whole and free What are you focused on? Shift your focus from the hurtful experience and onto yourself as being whole and free.
What would you do now? How would you live? I had to make my choice to move on and live, truly live.
What did I want my future life to be like? It's your choice.
You don't have to stay where you are.
You can choose to move on and LIVE! Easy-to-follow Step #7 - Take the lessons from the hidden gems from your past hurtful experiences At the moment you may wonder how could there be anything good from your bad experience.
But every negative experience we go through has a hidden gift within it waiting for us to use as stepping-stones to a great life.
But you have to actively look for these gems in order for them to reveal themselves to you by asking, "What's the good out of this situation?" Only then will your positive life lessons be unveiled.
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