Few Things You Should Know About an Early Pregnancy Test
These days, home pregnancy test is extremely sensitive and accurate.
Some are even as sensitive as the urine test you would take during a doctor's visit.
The home pregnancy test will test your urine for the hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or HCG.
This is known as the pregnancy hormone because it is only produced when a woman becomes pregnant.
Now before you can take an early pregnancy test at home, you must know when you last ovulated.
The best way to know is by keeping a BBT (Basal Body Temperature) Chart around.
If you don't have a BBT Chart you can always use an ovulation test to give you an idea.
Why is this so important? Well because a late ovulation means a late period.
And that means you would have to wait a little longer before you get a positive test.
When you go out to buy an early pregnancy test kit, make sure you go for either the First Response Early Results or the Clear Blue Easy.
The reason being these are sensitive brands and can give you more accurate results.
Also make sure you do not test too early.
As I stated before presence of the hormone HCG is what determines if you are pregnant or not.
When you test too early your levels of HCG might be too low and as a result you will get a negative reading.
According to a study done by Fertility Friend, it is best to test for pregnancy around the 13th or 14th day after your last ovulation.
The study also showed that test 10 days or less after ovulation gave only 10 percent of women an accurate positive result.
The other 90 percent results came back as false negatives.
One last thing to remember is to always read the instructions on the early pregnancy test kits and follow the exact instructions.
Each test is different and will require something different.
Some tests will ask you to urinate in a cup and then collect a sample, while another might ask you to pass urine on a stick.
Either way, the best time to collect urine is in the morning before it gets diluted with other types of fluids you drink throughout the day.
And make sure you wait the appropriate amount of time before reading the results.
Waiting too long or reading them too early can cause confusion.