New Facebook Features for Page Admins
<img src="" alt="New Facebook Layout of Big Blue Squid" />
This is the <strong>official line from Facebook</strong> and my comments:
<strong>Facebook pages are getting an updated layout and several new features to help you engage with your fans. Here's some of what you'll be getting:</strong>
A selection of images are now displayed along the top of your wall, these are your images only, not fans. To remove an image click the X on the photo. The images chosen are the 5 most recently posted
<strong>You can also select which featured pages appear in the left column.</strong>
Your tabs have gone, they appear as a list under your Profile pic in the same way as personal Facebook pages. This may cause you to rethink the tall profile images used by many on their business pages as navigation will appear below the fold on smaller monitors.
<strong>You now have two Wall filters. You can show posts by your page and top posts from Everyone, a new way for people to see the most interesting stories first. As an admin, you'll have additional filters for viewing posts on your page.
To set a default filter for your Wall, go to Edit Page.</strong>
Be careful with this one, you'll be alerted to new posts but you may want every post to be equally visible, not just the most talked about ones, which aren't always the best posts. The most interesting posts appear at the top (out of chronological order) and the rest appear below. Unlike personal pages they aren't hidden, they're just moved down the page.
<strong>Use Facebook as Your Page
Get notifications when fans interact with your page or posts
You can set defaults for your email notifications and how you post to your page - as yourself or your page.</strong>
Essential for good PR and timely responses
<strong>See activity from the pages you like in your news feed</strong>
This works both ways, encourage other page admins to share your content
<strong>Like other pages and feature them on your page</strong>
Excellent for highlighting other Facebook pages you operate and business that compliment your own
<strong>Make comments as your page on other pages</strong>
This is my favourite update, crosslinks, branding exposure and the opportunity to highlight your business on other people's pages is unlimited with this feature. To enable this, go to your Facebook page and on the right side of the page click 'Use Facebook as Your Business Name'. Now you can browse Facebook, comment and post as Your Business. Remember to come back to your page and turn this off when you want to chat to friends of course!
<strong>Notifications when fans interact with your page or posts </strong>
This means you won't have to go to every page and look for updates or use 3rd party software to alert you. All admins of the page will also be alerted.
<strong>Preview your page and you'll be given the option to upgrade early. All pages will automatically be upgraded on March 10.</strong>
Preview your page now and take advantage of the chance to learn about the new layout and features.
<strong>To manage your settings for email and posting preferences, go to Edit Page and Your Settings. To select which pages appear in Likes, go to Edit Page and Featured.</strong>
<strong>Moderation Blocklist
You can add comma-separated keywords to the "Moderation Blocklist". When users include blacklisted keywords in a post and or a comment on your Page, the content will be automatically marked as spam.</strong>
This box is under Edit Page>Permissions. Spam is greyed out but still appears on your wall for you to delete or allow. Fans don't see these greyed out posts, only Page Admins.
Available under Edit Page>Featured
Add Featured Likes and Featured Page Owners to your page to highlight complimentary businesses
<strong>Business Category</strong>
Under Edit Page>Basic Information, change the category of your business to the one that suits you best.
Overall these new changes will give you a huge opportunity to increase your marketing through other people's Facebook pages and equally build better relationships with your followers and fellow Page Admins.