Water: The Life Support
All forms of life on the planet Earth need water in one way or the other to survive and to thrive.
Scientist have found out that there is no other planet in our solar system that have water in liquid form.
Only on Earth does water exist in three states of liquid, gas and solid.
In other planets, it is not so, in some it can be solid, that is only iced.
In some other planets water does not exist at all; while yet in others it exist in form of gas.
Water in liquid form is a powerful mineral that is helping to keep planet Earth running.
The state of water in liquid form on planet Earth has given it the power it possesses to sustain all forms of life.
There is no life form on this planet that does not depend on water to thrive.
The plants need water to take root and grow, it is the essential mineral they need for growth, this is the reason they wither and die during the dry season and come back to life during the raining season.
All the different types of animals also need water for sustenance.
Many people and animals had been reportedly dead for lack of adequate water.
Man and animals need water not only as food but also as a cleansing agent.
We are able to keep healthy not only because we have water to drink but also because we have water to clean up ourselves.
In fact, science had proved that man can survive without food for so many days as long as he drinks water.
In this article, I want you to see the need for water in every aspect of life.
We need water to clean up ourselves and our surroundings.
When we drink lots of water, our internal organs will be always flush out all toxins,dirt, germs and viruses.
When you drink a lot of water, one way or the other, your system will hardly retain any bacterial that causes sicknesses and diseases.
Come to think of it, human beings are said to be seventy-five percent water.
Water is the most important ingredient in every food.
I woke up one day and had this painful heart and was wondering what had happened, I thought of going to see a doctor, but then I told myself to drink some water first.
After some time, less than five minutes, the chest pain had gone completely.
Water heals, it sustains, it cleanses, it preserves life.
You need to begin to use water for your own good and to your own advantage.
Make sure the water you use is clean and pure, make sure it does not contain germs neither is it contaminated and you will experience natural healing everyday, We are encouraged to drink a glass of water every morning when we wake up because it cleans our systems and get us ready for a healthy life for the day.