How To Rate Wrinkle Cream - 4 Important Aspects To Judge
How Much It Costs: Prices on anti-wrinkle cream can vary greatly. They can climb as high as $100 or they can keep around the $19.99 range. The phrase "you get what you pay for" may apply to many things, but wrinkle cream isn't typically one of them. Having said that, don't be tricked into thinking you have to spend $80 or more on wrinkle remover cream. Truth be told, there are plenty of effective creams that can be picked up for around $30.
How Quickly It Produces Results: There are many types of anti-wrinkle creams on the market, so it's a bit hard to give an exact time frame for when a cream is supposed to produce results -- In light of that fact, stick to a minimum of 3 weeks and a maximum of 3 months. If no results are seen within that period of time, chances are the wrinkle cream isn't very good.
How Effective Those Results Are: Try not to expect the world from any anti-wrinkle cream you use. If you set yourself up to expect 100% wrinkle free skin, odds are you'll be disappointed in the long run. The best outcome is to hope for about a 40-50% reduction during the first few weeks and an additional 20-30% reduction with continued use. If the reduction of fine lines & wrinkles is negligible, stop using the wrinkle removing cream and move onto a new product.
How Long The Results Last: This is a hard aspect to judge, as it basically means you have to stop using the cream in order to find out. Having said that, only judge this aspect if it happens. If you forget to use the cream or if you run out, then you can form an opinion on this aspect. Remember though, most wrinkle creams are designed to be used regularly; so don't be surprised if wrinkles do in fact return when you stop using the cream for a couple of months.
If you really want to rate wrinkle cream accurately, this is the only way to do it -- Evaluate the above mentioned aspects, then decide if the cream is worth continued use.