Rize 2 for Men Breakdown
One thing that will make this product stand out is that it claims to be a permanent cure for erectile dysfunction.
Matched with this, it also says that it will work for men quickly, which is rare for many cures of sexual dysfunctions.
Other benefits that have been seen by this product are increases in stamina, an increase in sex drive, orgasms might be more intense, and this product claims that it can increase the overall size of the penis.
For having such a long list of potential benefits, the active ingredients in the formula for Rize 2 might fall short for some consumers.
Arginine and Tongkat Ali are the only two ingredients that are very familiar to consumers.
The other ingredients have the potential to be potent and effective, but for now, they are relatively unknown.
Men like seeing the familiar power players in the products they take, like Epimedium and Yohimbe.
The idea behind Rize 2 is to generate more blood flow to the penis.
This helps to build energy, stamina, and helps to give control back over erections.
If the product successfully does this, then it really can be a cure for men.
Also, increasing blood flow, and increasing the capability of the penis to hold more blood, can potentially grow a man's penis both in length and girth.
Considering all the potential benefits of this product, while still staying completely safe and natural, is reflected by the price.
Many consumers feel that this product would be too costly for them, and this is especially true if it doesn't work in the end.