Dear Humans - Everyone Is Evil Okay, Now Can We Please Work on Getting Along?
However, I'm not a hold my breath during this century, it's already off to a rather poor start.
Wouldn't it be better if all humans just admitted that everyone is evil, including themselves, that anger and evil thoughts permeate the mind of all upright walking primates.
Then maybe everyone can work on getting along.
It's interesting when groups of humans stand on a pedestal of integrity and immediately preach to everyone else what they should do.
The most interesting part about it all is that in doing so they are challenging other groups to attack them and find holes in their armor, which they surely will.
For one group to claim to know truth, honesty, and hold the utmost integrity while calling another group into question in fact is nothing more than an instigator for a reciprocal response, which one can guarantee will occur.
Until the bickering stops and humans stop calling each other evil, there can be no peace.
All we will have is more chaos and controversy, and sound and fury, and we shouldn't be too surprised with any of this judging from our own historical record.
My predictions are that humans cannot bury the hatchet, and they will never stop calling others into question, because they call other groups evil to promote the strength in numbers on their own teams.
In fact, if they have no one to fight, no one to hate, or no one to attack then it is very hard for them to increase the ranks of followers to their own ideals.
I have a simple message for all the humans out there and it goes something like this: "Dear humans, let it be known that everyone is evil, and with that fact known can we please all get along now and stop fighting?" The answer to this question is not up to me, and it's probably not up to you either.
Yes we all have to look in our own mirrors and deal with this problem, but we need to hold our leadership accountable to the same.
Until that happens there will be no peace, and there will be continued wars.
Indeed, I hope you'll please consider all this and think on it.