How to Take you Photographs to a New Level on a Budget?
So if you want to step out of that point and shoot digital camera but are having a hard justifying the cost to move up to a new digital SLR camera. Why not buy a used one? Getting good used camera equipment has been the cornerstone of success for many pro photographers who were starting out in the business.
Why a used digital SLR camera?
Well if you're like most people funds and budgets are limited. To maximize your investment in equipment buying a used digital slr camera is the way to go.
Why a digital SLR camera rather than a point and shoot with a wide range fixed lenses?
In buying a digital SLR you get flexibility and room to grow as you gain experience. One of the biggest advantages of most digital SLR cameras is that it lets you shoot your pictures in RAW format. This in invaluable when you are starting out and learning. Most of the major manufactures have stopped producing point and shoot cameras that can shoot in RAW format all together.
Who cares about shooting in RAW format I shoot in JPEGs?
In a nutshell image exposure control. Shooting your pictures in a RAW format produces a digital negative very much like a film negative. If you get the exposure wrong its OK, you can fix it on your computer using your RAW file with NO to very limited loss. RAW files give you at least 2 stops of exposure latitude, which is like shooting with C-41 film (Print Film) in the old days.
Buying a used digital SLR gives you the ability to change lenses and experiment with different lenses types, telephoto, Marco, and zoom lenses. This helps expand your creative possibilities. If your goals are to take your photography to the next level why not pick up a used digital slr camera? They are cheaper, sometimes 40% off the latest and greatest new models. Just look at EOS Canon 20D cameras they once retailed at $1400-$1500 dollars now you can pick one up for $400 to $500 dollars. This is a great way to break in at a lower cost, and advance your photographic skills.