How To Remove Ink From Carpet
Tips on How to Remove Ink from Carpet
For those of you who want to know how to remove ink stain from carÂpet, the first thing to do is to keep all the things that you will need in ink stain removal handy. You will need rubÂbing alcoÂhol, a clean white cloth, white towel, paper towÂels, water and a vacÂuum cleaner. Once you have all these things in place, you are ready to start with the ink stain removal process.
Step 1
Take the clean white cloth and apply some rubÂbing alcoÂhol on it. Next, with the help of this cloth, dab the alcoÂhol onto the stain. Make sure that when you do this, you do not apply the rubÂbing alcoÂhol on the surÂroundÂing areas of the carÂpet or the stain will become bigÂger and soil the carÂpet even more.
Step 2
Take the vacÂuum cleaner and suck out all rubÂbing alcoÂhol from it which you have just applied. Next, take the white towel and blot out the ink stain. RememÂber not to rub at the stain with the towel or the ink might enter the carÂpet deeper, makÂing it even more difÂfiÂcult for you to get rid of it. So, simÂply blot the ink stain.
Step 3
Repeat step 1 and step 2 menÂtioned above. Keep on repeatÂing them until you are no longer able to blot any ink with the towel. For those of you who want to know how to remove ink from fabÂric, the same method using rubÂbing alcoÂhol can prove to be quite effecÂtive. The only difÂferÂence is that for fabÂrics, you do not need to vacÂuum the stain, you only have to use a clean white towel to blot out the ink. To know more about ink stain removal from fabÂrics, you may go to how to remove ink from clothes.
Step 4
The last step in the proÂceÂdure on how to remove dry ink from carÂpet is to clean the stained area with water. CleanÂing with water at the end is very imporÂtant so that no trace of rubÂbing alcoÂhol is left in the carÂpet. After cleanÂing the carÂpet with water, blot out the excess water using paper towÂels. This will help in dryÂing the carÂpet quickly. Another thing that you can do is to blow air across the stained porÂtion of the carÂpet using a fan.
The most imporÂtant tip on how to remove ink from carÂpet is to remove the ink stains when they are still fresh. If the ink has just spilled on the carÂpet, then instead of using rubÂbing alcoÂhol, which is slightly harsher, blot the ink stain with paper towÂels and then apply milk on it. Scrub the inked area on the carÂpet with a small toothÂbrush and then blot again with paper towÂels. Repeat this process until the ink stain is removed. In case the ink stains are stubÂborn and do not get removed by milk, you will have to apply rubÂbing alcoÂhol on it for ink stain removal as menÂtioned above.
These were some useÂful tips on how to remove ink from carÂpet. For ink stains that are very old and which refuse to go off even with rubÂbing alcoÂhol, the last resort is dabÂbing them with three perÂcent hydroÂgen perÂoxÂide soluÂtion, leavÂing it on for one hour and then soakÂing out the ink with a paper towel. This method is very effecÂtive in stain removal, howÂever should not be used on carÂpets which are made from delÂiÂcate fabÂrics. In the end, here's hopÂing that all these methÂods prove useÂful to you when you set out in your endeavor to get rid of the ink stains on your carÂpet. All the best!
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