How To Remove Ink From Carpet

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As most of us have already expe­ri­enced, ink stains can be very dif­fi­cult to get rid of. An equally impos­si­ble task is to avoid them from occur­ring. Right from small chil­dren to teens to adults, use pens and can thus spill the ink onto the car­pet once in a while. When this hap­pens, the first thought that comes to the mind is, "Will I have to replace my costly car­pet now?" Well, not really, espe­cially if you know some really effec­tive car­pet stain removal meth­ods. Want to know how to remove ink from car­pet? Sim­ply scroll down.

Tips on How to Remove Ink from Carpet

For those of you who want to know how to remove ink stain from car­pet, the first thing to do is to keep all the things that you will need in ink stain removal handy. You will need rub­bing alco­hol, a clean white cloth, white towel, paper tow­els, water and a vac­uum cleaner. Once you have all these things in place, you are ready to start with the ink stain removal process.

Step 1
Take the clean white cloth and apply some rub­bing alco­hol on it. Next, with the help of this cloth, dab the alco­hol onto the stain. Make sure that when you do this, you do not apply the rub­bing alco­hol on the sur­round­ing areas of the car­pet or the stain will become big­ger and soil the car­pet even more.

Step 2
Take the vac­uum cleaner and suck out all rub­bing alco­hol from it which you have just applied. Next, take the white towel and blot out the ink stain. Remem­ber not to rub at the stain with the towel or the ink might enter the car­pet deeper, mak­ing it even more dif­fi­cult for you to get rid of it. So, sim­ply blot the ink stain.

Step 3
Repeat step 1 and step 2 men­tioned above. Keep on repeat­ing them until you are no longer able to blot any ink with the towel. For those of you who want to know how to remove ink from fab­ric, the same method using rub­bing alco­hol can prove to be quite effec­tive. The only dif­fer­ence is that for fab­rics, you do not need to vac­uum the stain, you only have to use a clean white towel to blot out the ink. To know more about ink stain removal from fab­rics, you may go to how to remove ink from clothes.

Step 4
The last step in the pro­ce­dure on how to remove dry ink from car­pet is to clean the stained area with water. Clean­ing with water at the end is very impor­tant so that no trace of rub­bing alco­hol is left in the car­pet. After clean­ing the car­pet with water, blot out the excess water using paper tow­els. This will help in dry­ing the car­pet quickly. Another thing that you can do is to blow air across the stained por­tion of the car­pet using a fan.

The most impor­tant tip on how to remove ink from car­pet is to remove the ink stains when they are still fresh. If the ink has just spilled on the car­pet, then instead of using rub­bing alco­hol, which is slightly harsher, blot the ink stain with paper tow­els and then apply milk on it. Scrub the inked area on the car­pet with a small tooth­brush and then blot again with paper tow­els. Repeat this process until the ink stain is removed. In case the ink stains are stub­born and do not get removed by milk, you will have to apply rub­bing alco­hol on it for ink stain removal as men­tioned above.

These were some use­ful tips on how to remove ink from car­pet. For ink stains that are very old and which refuse to go off even with rub­bing alco­hol, the last resort is dab­bing them with three per­cent hydro­gen per­ox­ide solu­tion, leav­ing it on for one hour and then soak­ing out the ink with a paper towel. This method is very effec­tive in stain removal, how­ever should not be used on car­pets which are made from del­i­cate fab­rics. In the end, here's hop­ing that all these meth­ods prove use­ful to you when you set out in your endeavor to get rid of the ink stains on your car­pet. All the best!

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