Battery Chair Wheel - Tips For The Repair and Maintenance of Wheelchair Batteries
Using a control interface customized for the user's individual needs, it allows a person to accomplish a variety of daily tasks.
Like all batteries, a wheel chair battery can be have an extended life if handled properly.
By following some tips and tricks, you can have a quality wheelchair battery that lasts a long time.
Repair and Maintenance Guide A wheelchair battery comes in two major types, either a wet cell, or a gel cell.
They are also rated in amp hours and come in three sizes.
To get a more powerful battery, get one with a higher number of amp hours.
The amp-hour ratings of wet cell batteries have a tendency to read 10% higher than gel cell batteries, so you may want to consider a wet cell battery.
Battery chair wheel power comes in three sizes, labeled a group of either 22, 24, or 27.
A group 22 battery is the standard size, while a group 24 battery is suited for heavier high performance wheelchairs.
The higher power goes to the group 27 battery which is used for extended travel distances and frequent use over sloped terrain.
There are times that battery-powered wheelchair will not fully charge.
This problem could exist for a number of reasons like overcharging, not using the appropriate charger or the batteries are simply old and need replacement.
To get the most out of a battery powered wheelchair try to follow these directions: *Batteries should be charged nightly if the wheelchair is used every day.
*Always use the accompanying manufacturer's automatic charger for all routine charging.
*Never run batteries completely depleted.
*Be sure not to expose batteries to hot and cold extremes.
*Do not overcharge batteries with frequent charging.
*Contact the battery supplier for explicit instruction.
*Always call on a wheelchair maintenance facility for regular checkup every six months.
But you need to conduct a weekly maintenance too.
This way you extend the wheelchair's life by paying attention to the squeaks and loose parts.
The wheelchair must always be kept clean and free of rust.
Wheelchairs being an expensive investment, taking the time to check on it can save yourself a lot of time and money.
*Always bring a wheelchair repair kit.
This will avoid small malfunctions from getting big.
Following these simple guidelines will insure your wheelchair battery will provide you with many days of use before replacement.