How To Promote Your Website With Swap Ads?
It's a free marketing technique to promote your email newsletter or your website.
There are many publishers in different niche whose are interested to swapping ads.
They can either be formals ads or just a recommendation within the content of the ezine itself.
This strategy where it's used correctly, it can increase your newsletters subscribers and your website traffic.
There are many conditions to choose an ezine where to swapping ads: 1.
It is important to find partners that have businesses related to yours but not the same.
Generally not recommended to advertise your competitors! For example, if you offer search engines services you can make ad swap partnerships with email newsletter of web design services.
Only use those ad swap partners in your email newsletter that will provide value-added services for your subscribers.
Choose ezines that offer related content to yours because you have more chance to catch subscribers who's interested to your offer.
Try to swap ads for multiple issues because repetition will increase the number of your subscribers you get from your ad.
Select ezines that offer valuable content, they will have a higher readership giving you more timepieces for your ad.
How to write swap ads? It's not difficult to write a swap ad copy but it requires a little know-how and imagination.
When you write your ad copy you must write to convince people to take action.
Here's an indispensable guideline to follow when writing your ad copy: 1.
You have just a few second to capture your visitor's attention to tell them to read on, copy should be short and brief, because nobody reads more than a few words of an ad.
Writing advertising copy begins with defining objectives of the specific ad.
These objectives will be unique to your website and your email newsletter, to each campaign, and to each ad 3.
Writing ads for ezines are written differently than a classified ad or a sales letter.
If you want these ads to pull successfully then you need to focus on writing killer headlines.
It's the most critical aspect for these ads to work.
Your ad swap copy should be short, powerful and designed to create plenty of curiosity.
You ad copy should only perform one function, the desire for those who read to take action and get more information from you.
Don't forget to place your website URL in your ad.
How to put in order an ad swaps? Ad Swaps can be an excellent source of advertising: 1.
Start by writing some killer copy 2.
search out Ezines that are in the related category as your business or service and find ezines in the "ezine directories" and look up ezines in your category of business or service.
Build your list of ezines and then email them asking if they except ad swaps 4.
Include your ad in your correspondence with the ezines so they can see what you are offering.
ask the publisher for the stricture of the ad such as how many lines and how many characters per line 6.
You should track each ad you place and measure your response rates.
Briefly, swap ads is one of the marketing tools that can help to promote your website and to have interested subscribers to your email newsletter.
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