How to Type a Copyright Sign
- 1). Position your cursor where you want the copyright symbol to go.
- 2). Press the "Ctrl" button.
- 3). Press the "Alt" button at the same time as you hold down the "Ctrl" key.
- 4). Press the letter "C" key while holding down the "Alt" key and the "Ctrl" key.
- 1). Position your cursor where you want the copyright symbol to go.
- 2). Press the "option" key.
- 3). Press the letter "G" while holding down the "option" key.
- 1). Position your cursor where you want the copyright symbol to go.
- 2). Type an "&."
- 3). Write the word "copy." Include no spaces between the & and the word "copy."
- 4). Type a semicolon. The entire sequence should look like this: ©. Exclude the last period.