Reasons To Get Income Protection Insurance
The amount of premium you will have to pay for your cover will certainly depend on the portion of your monthly or annual income you wish to protect. The higher the percentage of your salary you wish to protect the higher the premiums you will have to pay. There are other factors that will certainly influence the premiums include the state of your health at the time of purchase. If you have a good health and you pass all your medical examinations then your premiums should definitely be lower than those of someone who is diagnosed with a terminal illness of sorts.
Your service provider will most likely ask for information regarding the nature of your job. If you work in a risky and hazardous kind of environment then they will require you to pay higher evidence. The other kind of information you will have to provide is your financial state. The amount of premium you pay for income protection insurance also depends on the amount of time you have before your lump sum should be ready, if the time is short then you pay higher premiums. If the period is longer then you will pay much less.
Income protection is very important especially if you are the sole breadwinner in your family. It will come in handy in case you can no longer work for one reason or another. This way you will not have to worry about not being able to pay your rent or the mortgage as the cover will take care of your bills. This cover will pay you enough money to pay your monthly expenses and take care of your other bills. This is because the cover ensures that you are paid up to three quarters of the money you would have earned if you were to earn a salary.
In the event that you get hurt or you are ill, an income protection will get you covered. You just need to ensure that you get the right insurance cove and that you read the contract well enough to understand all the terms and conditions. If the illness is prolonged and you can no longer work, your family will still be able to live comfortable while you get the necessary treatment.