How to Apply Natural Head Lice Treatment and Prevent Their Return
If you are unsure simply search the web for pictures of head lice and you will find all the pictures you need.
To make it simple head lice are not microscopic parasites that you can not see.
A quick examination will reveal small little six legged insects quickly crawling through the scalp.
They are actually very easy to see.
Another indicator will be the head lice nits.
These are small visible eggs the adult head louse attach to the hair follicles.
Once you have identified the problem it's time to apply natural treatment and prevention so they do not return.
Head Lice do not fly or jump.
The only way to get them is direct contact from one person to another.
Schools have many preventative measures in place due to the fact children suffer more from infestations than adults.
It will take time and diligence to properly prevent the spread of lice but it is not a hard job.
Once lice are removed from their host they will live approximately 24 hours and must have the warm moist atmosphere of a human scalp to lay eggs.
There is no worries about them muliplying in the home.
Live lice that have fallen from their victims head through scratching or combing can still find their way back to another host if contact is made.
To prevent this all that is needed is common household cleaning tools and products.
The use of large scale treatment such as pesticides is not necessary or advised.
Clothing, bedding, towels and any other materials the victims has come in contact with need to be washed as soon as possible in hot water.
Simply use those products you would naturally use to clean counter tops and furniture.
Many parents today are opposed to using chemicals or any type of pesticide making the use of nature treatments not only necessary but very popular.
These treatments are both natural and they work very well in killing lice.
A very common treatment is Mayonnaise.
This method requires a large amount of mayonnaise be applied to the scalp.
It will be a messy job and the use of a good shower cap is required.
Place the shower cap on the head once the Mayonnaise is applied and leave it there over night.
Mayonnaise will be difficult to wash out due to drying but the process of removing it helps in removing the nits.
Tea Tree Oil, Vinegar, Lavender, and Coconut Oil are applied to the scalp in the same way as above.
The products mentioned as well as using mayonnaise will suffocate the and kill the head lice.
After this process is completed the next step is to remove the nits from the hair.
These eggs or correctly stated Nits are very securely attached to the hair and can be the hardest part of the lice removal job.
Mouth wash is a highly suggested product for disengaging the nits from the hair.
Mouth was has the required chemicals needed to loosen the nits by dissolving some of the glue making the job of nit removal much faster.
There are many home remedies as well as natural remedies that will do the job of killing lice quickly while others require more than one application.
To be sure the majority of natural remedies need to be re-applied in about 7 days.
Some home remedies will do the job with only one application.