And the Angels Sang, You Were Born to Fulfill
On Earth The Virgin with Child, in labour Along with Husband Joseph as the hour Drew, To bring forth a Child They found stable wild The fragrance of poverty and Innocence Waft through cold night's silence The scurrying of cattle hooves The grunting & shuffling moos On cut stalk the Virgin lay Joseph tenders her and pray Mary, the Virgin in patient waiting Waiting to deliver her bearing In Heaven The Angels were gathered together Waiting to see the queen deliver The Event of all Events - The Redeemer Coming to the earth the humble humbler In Stable A gentle and whispering of Child in Birth Breaks the silence, announcing Purge of Time and its new dawn on Earth And the Angels sang dancing 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men.
' ___________________________________________________________________ You were born to fulfil You were born to fulfil Your Father's Will Thus You ground in the Earthly Mill To give life we sought to kill Kill You, we did, but not Your Father's Will Now having done your grind & grill Lead us O! Gentle Shepherd on the way To Your Father on this day A little closer we pray Not one step we take, nay Without you, lest we fall prey To the Wicked Prowler at bay O! Father O! Humility lying on Christmas hay Lead us we pray and say Happy Birthday To You on this Christmas day